Page 4 - RADC 2016
P. 4

Foreword – Chief Dental Of cer (Army)
It is over a year since the SDSR 15 announcement was made and I was hoping that by now the outcomes for the RADC would be clear, that we would
be moving towards the new structure and putting the latest period of turbulence  rmly behind us. The measures affecting the RADC included a reduction in the number of dental teams, regions and Principal Dental Of cers. Disappointingly, we are not yet at the end of the process. It is possible that there may be further limited reductions in the number of dental teams
in order to meet the savings anticipated by Surgeon General’s Finance Department although this is being  rmly resisted. At time of writing, Commander DPHC is reviewing the revised regional structure and this may result in larger dental regions and further reductions in the number of PDOs than was agreed in SDSR 15. Please
be assured that the RADC continues to engage with vigour to in uence the outcome of these discussions in the interests of the Army and its patients
The loss of the Army Medical
Directorate and the change to
the new Army Headquarters
structure has resulted in the SO1
Oral Health appointment being ‘de-enriched’ to SO2. This is
very disappointing but we have to
make the best of the new world.
Tasks that have previously sat with SO1 Oral Health and Staff Assistant to Oral Health will now be distributed and lie elsewhere.
Despite the change and uncertainty at the strategic level, Army dental  tness has reached
an all-time high. These outstanding results
are a testament to the magni cent job that the dental staff are doing in the regions day-in,
day-out. Commander DPHC regularly uses dentistry as the good news story and refers to
it as the ‘jewel in the crown’ of DPHC. This is something to be very proud of. Please accept
my personal thanks for everything that you do
to provide such an excellent service for our patients.
I am delighted to say that the Reserves are going from strength to strength under the leadership of Colonel Peter Jackson QHDS. Much work has been done over the last 12 months to improve recruiting, de ne the training and experience required to prepare
Reserve dental teams
for deployment, make available signi cant training opportunities leading to professional quali cations and create opportunities to employ Reservists in DPHC either as locum or FTRS staff. Colonel Jackson’s tenure has been extended for a year and this is excellent news for the Reserves.
The RHQ, under Major John Sharp, does an outstanding job and continues to perform an essential role by looking after the RADC family. It ensures that our heritage is respected and coordinates events that help to engender Corps ethos. It also maintains contact with RADC veterans and provides benevolence
for those who have fallen
on hard times. It is a matter of considerable concern, therefore, that the future of the Regimental Secretary appointments is in doubt across the Army. I expect to hear more on this subject in the near future.
I am pleased to see that this edition of the Corps Bulletin features the broad range of achievements and activities undertaken by Regular and Reserve RADC personnel. It is very important that you make the most of Army life and the variety of things on offer as
well as treating patients (especially if you then write an article for the Corps Journal!), so I
am particularly pleased to see that sport and adventure training feature prominently. The RADC adventure training policy was published last year, there is a requirement for all to take part and I encourage you all to actively seek out opportunities. The regional adventure training leads will be able to assist.
Whilst the strategic changes are certainly very unsettling, there is still much to be positive about. The Army continues to be an excellent place to work for dental professionals and
the RADC continues to attract the highest quality people. Your reputation is second to none, so keep doing what you all do so well.
Ex Dentibus Ensis!
Your reputation is second to none, so keep doing what you all do so well.

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