Page 5 - RADC 2016
P. 5

Maj J P Francis RADC
The task of penning the editorial traditionally comes as the
 nal act in producing each year’s RADC Bulletin. It is only at
this stage you actually have a handle on the contents thereof and you can assertively state you are no longer taking late submissions. It permits re ection on the annual roller-coaster of fun that pervades the role of Editor and allows you to vow that ‘next year’ it will not be a mad dash to the post and all articles will arrive promptly full of Booker prize-worthy narrative and with exceptionally high de nition photographs that do nothing but complement the text.
At some point it will no longer be my job to chase, cajole, threaten and occasionally be a little creative. When I hand the Editorial
baton to my successor it will be with a tinge of regret as with the role comes a privileged insight into the darkest and furthest  ung corners of the RADC. People are unfailingly generous in putting
pen to paper and reporting back on their escapades. In honesty, I’ve developed a clandestine network of super-grasses who inform on every undertaking within the Corps allowing a full representative spread of the activities by its members.
Please continue to offer this unbridled commitment to deliver a high-quality publication through timely submission of well-written, grammatically-plausible, expletive-free articles that are accompanied by good quality photographs that not only you would be happy to show your Gran, you also feel would enhance the overall look of your Bulletin. Compiling each edition is not without its challenges, but the net effect is a rewarding one and the  nal product one I trust we can maintain at the highest quality for years to come.
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