Page 54 - RADC 2016
P. 54

The London Taxi
Benevolent Association For
War Disabled
(The Taxi Charity)
Formed in Fulham in 1947, its main objective at the time was to help the war disabled, in their homes and hospitals, throughout London and the Home Counties, by providing the entertainment, outings and much needed specialised equipment.
Their aim now is simple: to work for the bene t, comfort and enjoyment of the war disabled and veterans, to the best of their ability.
The Taxi charity have to come to our assistance on two such occasions with the safe delivery and return of our very own RADC Chelsea Pensioner, IP Terry Abbott. Firstly, for the RADC Corps Weekend
and more recently the AMS Past and Present Dinner Night. Without this charity’s assistance we could not have had his presence at our gatherings, something which is bene cial both for IP Abbott and the RADC as a whole.
It is therefore requested that you take a couple of minutes to have a look at their
website and see the variety of good work they do throughout the year with all Armed Forces Veterans. If you are planning some form of event or activity of a charitable nature perhaps bear this charity in mind for a donation.
Corps RSMs past and present

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