Page 67 - RADC 2016
P. 67
Recognised at Activities
Only the following activities are recognised as AT:
Offshore sailing Sub-aqua diving Caving
Gliding Parachuting Paragliding Mountain biking
Canoeing, including: Kayaking
Surf kayaking
Sea kayaking
Open canoeing Winter climbing
Mountaineering, including: Summer mountaineering Winter mountaineering Alpine mountaineering Rock climbing
Skiing*, including: Ski mountaineering Ski-touring
Nordic ski touring
* Does not include Nordic racing or pure alpine skiing
I hope to be able to lead a trip to the Himalaya in 2018...
duty to attend Type 2, 3 or 4 AT every three years (TYs). Priority will be given to Type 4 or 3, then distributed training at Type 2, then Type 2 without DT, however this is more achievable due to the current lack of RADC AT leaders and instructors. AT packages as part of formalised overseas exercises (eg BATUS/BATUK) are included in this target. Non-DPHC(D)1 RADC personnel fall under their own CoC’s AT Directive.
Each Region now has one UATO2 trained individual and should aim to have two other quali ed leader/instructors3 by 31 Mar 17
in order to facilitate local AT initiatives. Only when this level of experience is achieved will our Corps be able to be self-suf cient in its annual AT target. The priorities set should help to shape the RADC in this direction.
Insurance and Preparation
Those participating in AT should ensure that their name is placed on their LAU’s4 Part One Orders, stating that they are ‘on duty’ prior to departing. Those organising exercises or activities should be fully conversant with the contents of the AT Directive and ask their UATO for more advice.
AT Opportunities
There have been plenty of opportunities
for AT this year – why didn’t you go? I suspect that you have not been aware of them or felt that you wouldn’t be released from the clinic? Each Regional UATO has been tasked with identifying what AT has been completed in the last 3 years, whether individuals have any quali cations and
what individual aspirations might be. With this information, they should ensure each member of their Region gets access to between 5 and 10 days of AT every three years. Get involved, think what you wish
to achieve, and articulate it to your Line Manager in your PDP5 and your UATO. I will try to publicise routine AT opportunities through the RADC Newsletter and last minute ones via the RADC Facebook page.
1 Defence Primary Health Care (Dental)
2 Unit Adventurous Training Of cer, a dif cult course
on the Defence Learning Environment
3 Updated details will be via the RADC Newsletter
4 Local Administrative Unit
5 Personal Development Plan
Looking ahead, I hope to be able to lead
a trip to the Himalaya in 2018, however, individuals should already have gained a foundation level quali cation in mountaineering by Aug 17 before this can be a reality. Ex DENTIBUS ENSIS will be a Level 3 AT expedition to Nepal in Oct/Nov 18. It has
two aims: rstly for an RADC team to ascend a 6000+m Himalayan peak and secondly, during the build up to this expedition, team selection will ensure participants gain further foundation or leadership quali cations and the necessary logbook experience. Alternatively, a mountaineering
exercise to Morocco or Slovenia or a ski- tour in the Alps may be more achievable. Please tell me what you think!
This article has been put together to publicise the CDO(A)’s commitment to his military staff attending AT. It is hoped to encourage all to personnel to fully participate in AT and also ensure all those who perhaps need more ‘development’ are regularly exposed to this type of training.
AT is progressive, therefore it will require a continual throughput at Types 2, 3 and 4 to ensure individuals are ready for assessment at leader and instructor level courses, in order to sustain the AT Plan out to 5 years.
For any further information or guidance please contact your regional UATO or
the RADC UATO, Lt Col Alun Thomas on 94342 2499, or