Page 69 - RADC 2016
P. 69

consideration and a lot of experimentation was conducted to identify
which foods can be safely ingested on the move in order to prevent hiccups, cramps, or worse...
In addition, a substantial amount of money was raised by our 22 Signal Regiment team prior to the event by undertaking a 24-hr team relay in one of Stafford’s local ASDA supermarkets on a treadmill. The support from the customers throughout the event (particularly through the night) was heart- warming to see.
40km to go
The Race
The race unfortunately took place on one of the hottest and sunniest days of July 2016, with not a cloud in the sky. Great for a spot of beer-gardening, but not so good for an ultramarathon.
The team crossed the start line at 0600 and began the arduous course with the
help of our support crew who greeted us
at each 10km checkpoint with jerry cans
of water, peanut butter bagels, painkillers, and Deep Heat! Their role became even more important throughout the day as the temperature increased and fatigue set in, but they kept our spirits high, particularly when we were greeted at the 80km checkpoint with ice lollies, proving just enough to spur us on to the  nish at Brighton Race Course where a hot shower and Gurkha curry awaited us.
The Result
Our 22 Signal Regiment team completed the race in 14hr 44mins,  nishing in 12th place out of 444 teams; an excellent result for a team of novice ultra-marathoners, raising over £3500 for charity.
Completing the Exercise gave a fantastic sense of achievement, both mentally and physically. There is little more gratifying than pushing yourself to the limit, then pushing that little bit further and harder! The team’s camaraderie kept us going through the highs and lows of the day, each of us having our own ‘dark moments’ during the race however the feeling upon reaching the  nish line really made it a worthwhile experience.
70km to go
22 Sig Regt Team. Author 2nd from left
In addition, a substantial amount of money was raised...

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