Page 74 - RADC 2016
P. 74
Leeds Dental school
Life after T4
Cpl Lin Little RADC(V)
I joined the RADC as a Dental Nurse in 2005 and was posted to Northern Ireland and soon promoted to Practice Supervisor. I quali ed as a Dental Hygienist in
2010, after which I spent the rest of my career in Germany where I managed to attain my BSC (hons) in Dental Studies.
In 2015, following that long awaited uncertainty of T4 which resulted in compulsory redundancy; life has continued to move onwards and upwards:
I managed to secure a place at Leeds University to read Dentistry. Initially
the thought of
5 years back at
University as a mature student was very daunting/crazy idea, especially when I had big dreams of moving to Australia once I
left the Army. After
sleepless nights and
many mind changes; University won the vote – I have Major Dom Shaw and Lt Col Wassim Slim to thank for that.
During my resettlement phase I did a few tness instructor courses and put things in motion to join the Army Reserves, although I was unsure how much time I would be able to dedicate to the Reserves alongside University. I initially joined 7SCOTS in Dumbarton where I managed to be to be part of their Ski team and throw myself down a few more slaloms during Ex Snow
Lion in the Cairngorms, Scotland – not quite Serre Chevalier but was great to be a part of it all the same.
In September 2016 I transferred to 212 Field Hospital in Leeds as this was the local Unit to University. As a Reservist; during my time with 212 I have attended several training weekends which really get you involved with Military Skills and the Field Hospital side of life, stayed in the 300 Club and delivered an Oral Health presentation to the Detachment along with the other RADC Reservists. I played my rst football
I managed to secure a place at Leeds University to read Dentistry.
match over the Christmas weekend, had a week sailing in June on a 40ft Yacht with 7SCOTS and most recently I spent a week in Holland as part of the 212 Nijmegen Team; what an amazing and challenging
experience that was. I believe Annual Camp will be taking us to America next year! I have also attended the RADC Study day and Corps weekend where I managed to catch up with old friends and colleagues and also managed to get a bit more sailing in.
My rst year at Dental School passed really quickly, although the rst few months was a real slog trying to get my head around Biochemistry; not coming from a science background ‘Chemistry for Dummies’ became my bedtime read. But the hard
Lean into it!
7SCOTS ski team