Page 75 - RADC 2016
P. 75

Catching some rays
work and uncountable hours glued to my desk eventually paid off and I passed my  rst set of exams and was able to move onto clinics and start seeing patients after Easter. We did examinations and basic periodontal treatment on our own patient and assisted the 4th years by administering local anaesthetics and dental nursing. The latter part of the year was much more up my street as it was more clinical with the focus on
pain control and periodontal disease and I managed to pass the year without any resits.
Outside of the classroom and clinics I joined both the University Climbing Club and Irish Dancing Club and was involved in a few performances over the St Patrick’s day celebrations. I managed to get a job in the University gym teaching  tness classes and also work as a Sub warden in the University Halls.
I have just started my 2nd year after an action packed 3 month holiday and I am really looking forward to and doing my  rst restoration after some practice in the Labs. I guess it is time to get my head stuck in the books again and hope to see you in the future.
At Nijmegen military camp
End of Nijmegen
Skiing in the Cairngorms

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