Page 8 - RADC 2016
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Chief Dental Of cer (Army) Study Day – 25 April 2016
The CDO(A) Study Day was held at the newly christened Robertson House, formerly FASC, just after Easter. It was followed by the Donald Taylor Memorial Lecture and dinner night.
Over 80 Of cers of the RADC gathered to receive briefs and presentations from a variety of speakers, both home-grown and external. In addition to the updates received from DPDD, the AMS Museum and APC, the Corps was brought up to speed on progress being made to deliver against the
most recent SDSR.
The keynote speaker of the day was
The Rev’d Prof PJ McCormack L/RAChD, Assistant Chaplain General for ARTD and the Army’s Lead on Ethics. His presentation was both informative and thought- provoking; exploring the questions one must ask in navigating ethical dilemmas and attempting to deliver the very best care possible.
The Donald Taylor Memorial Lecture was delivered by Mr Eric Rooney MBE, Deputy
Chief Dental Of cer for NHS England. Co-author of what is widely known as The Steele Report, Mr Rooney was well placed to present on the challenges faced in NHS Commissioning of Dental Services. His retention-positive lecture was followed by a hugely successful dinner night with one of the largest gathering of the RADC in recent years. Maj Gen Bricknell L/RAMC rounded off the evening with an optimistic view of the future structure of the Army Medical Services.
CDO(A) marks the Donald Taylor Memorial Lecture by Mr Eric Rooney
Lt Col Andy Case whets the appetites for the day
Col McCormack L/RAChD delivers his lecture