Page 7 - NAS Rule book 2017
P. 7
5.1 The registered title of the Society shall be:
5.1.1 Kept painted or affixed to the outside of the registered office and every other place the Society carries on its business, in a conspicuous position in easily legible letters.
5.1.2 Engraved in legible characters on its seal.
5.1.3 Mentioned in legible characters in all: notices, advertisements and other official publications; business correspondence; bills of exchange, promissory notes, endorsements, cheques and orders for money
or goods, purporting to be signed by or on behalf of the Society; other business documentation; and its websites.
6.1 The objects of the Society are to provide support, guidance and advice to all interested in, and committed to, allotment and leisure gardening and to uphold the interests and rights of allotment holders and the allotment community across England and Wales and beyond.
6.2 The Society shall have the power to do all other lawful things necessary or expedient to further its objects and in particular has the power to:
6.2.1 Collect, provide, publish and distribute any information, guidance and advice relating to allotment and leisure gardening by any means of communication including electronic means.
6.2.2 Provide material assistance and benefits to Members.
6.2.3 Organise and participate in local and national exhibitions, shows, meetings and
6.2.4 Provide advice and guidance in the setting up of local associations including the
formation of limited companies, if appropriate, and Regional Bodies.
6.2.5 Make grants to Regional Bodies towards the cost of organisational work done on behalf of the Society as set out in Section H of the Standards and Procedures.
6.2.6 Provide initial legal advice and, for issues judged to be of national importance, further legal support.
6.2.7 Support and co-operate with like-minded bodies and statutory authorities whose objects complement those of the Society.
6.2.8 Make representations to, and provide evidence to and for, statutory and other authorities to influence public opinion and further the promotion, protection and preservation of allotments.