Page 106 - The Light Dragoon 2024
P. 106

Capt James Montgomery-Stuart aka Monty, commissioned into The Light Dragoons in 2019 after an enthusiastic
time at Sandhurst where he was “educated” by his CSgt on remedial drill several times. He was thrown in at the deep end as a Tp Ldr at RD by entertaining the now SSgt Tom Jefferies as his Tp Sgt. He became a regimental fan favourite after organising one of the best Sgt’s to Officers to date, dubbed “I’m a Sgt, GET ME OUT OF HERE!”.
Monty joined the illustrious Legion and went straight out on Op CABRIT (P). Monty’s ability to forge personal bonds with all his peers was evidenced from the get-go where he commanded a troop with such strong regimental characters such as Cpls Coles, Patterson, and Newton. Cpl Coles even went as far as describing him as the “embodiment of for the blokes.” Monty’s dedication to his team was best noted in what became known as McDonalds-gate.
Monty disappeared from RD for a year after Op CABRIT to instruct down at ATR Winchester. Little is known about Monty’s time down there, but one thing is for certain, Winchester gained a dedicated, hard-working, and an all-round stellar bloke for that time. Monty was elated to hear that he would be returning to the LDs as the RSO. Working alongside the BSM (now WO2 Garsrud) and the RSWO (WO2 Hirst), Monty became one of Maj Alex ‘Thirla’ Thirlaway’s minions. As we all know, Thirla was a difficult man to win over but due to Monty’s sheer likability, he became Thirla’s favourite (much to the envy of the rest of the junior officers). This envy did not hinder Monty’s relations in the mess as his puppy-like enthusiasm, appreciation of ale and magnetic person- ality meant that if there was fun to be had, he would be at the centre of it. He truly loves smoky bacon crisps.
During his second stint back at RD, few could argue against Monty’s contribution to the LDs. He singlehandedly (basically) deployed C Sqn on Ex DEFENDER
Doug Jefferis, or ‘ole bog-eyes’, commis- sioned into the Regiment in December 2019 with bags of enthusiasm and a world of possibilities before him. COVID put a swift end to his first attempt at the troop leader’s course, so after a summer at the LD Officer’s Frat House, he went back down to complete the tactics phase, where he won the binos. He then arrived at RD, where
22. When the LDs were aligned to INTERFLEX, Monty worked tirelessly and often thanklessly, even giving up his weekends to ensure the LD’s contribution ran smoothly. He grafted on the Regimental deployment Ex SPRING STORM. In and amongst this he also organised regimental cricket, rugby, and an AT trip to Jordan. To add credence to Monty’s character and the adversities he faced during this time in the LDs, Monty brought personability and chat to a relatively socially challenged RHQ including Capt Ed Elston and Capt James Digby.
Doug Jefferis
he settled quickly into A Sqn - a little too comfortably for the likes of one Lt Digby, the upstart bino-winner incumbent, who clearly did not keep eyes on the dead ground. Digby didn’t realise it when young 2Lt Jefferis crept through his STAP and deposed him as leader of his own troop in what has been described as a Lord of the Flies coup. Doug, of sturdy antipodean
It is difficult to contextualise the void that has been left by Monty’s departure, for amongst his myriad contributions to exercises, operations, sports and the day-to-day, it will be the absence of him personally that will have the greatest impact. One thing is for certain, the LDs are worse off for it. Nevertheless, we wish Monty the best as he moves onto a career in the private sector in London where he lives with his long-term girlfriend, Abigail.
stock, reverted to type and after insisting to his OC that Lt Digby was “nothing but a Pommey squeeler”, robbed him of his operational tour to Mali! He has since spent the remainder of his career spinning dits about his time in the Sahel and placing his dust-stained boots on the coffee table for all to see.
The Regimental Journal of The Light Dragoons
 Capt James Montgomery-Stuart

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