Page 114 - The Light Dragoon 2024
P. 114

The Regimental Journal of The Light Dragoons
  Iam pleased to be able to record that we were able to come together to enjoy a number of well-established events in our calendar, but also to experience some new gatherings this year.
The first new event of the year was a very successful day at the Last Post pub on Teesside where up to 100 guests were able to enjoy this atmospheric venue and the generous hospitality of Julie who runs an outstanding Venue and to Ged Walton for arranging the get together.
June saw another wonderfully sunny afternoon shared by upwards of 80 associ- ation members at the Wetherspoons on the Quayside in Newcastle. This event starts at lunchtime and has become a firm mid-summer favourite in the calendar. It is very relaxed, it has a great outdoor seating facility, it is easy to get to and the beer is charged at a price that even Thirla thinks is canny.
A Friday night in July so another new and innovative event. This involved hosting a ‘farm walk’ on a balmy Friday evening courtesy of Charlie Bennett, who is married to the Branch Chairman’s cousin and who owns a small estate in the middle of Northumberland where he has undertaken a number of innovative and fascinating projects to regenerate both the landscape and it’s wildlife. A small team of ten association members enjoyed a wonderful talk and tour off the estate followed by an excellent BBQ. We very much hope to do more gatherings of this nature, simply to bring people together somewhere new and different, to talk and enjoy each other’s company. We are indebted to the Regimental Trustees for supporting this event and enabling it to happen.
Trevor McDermott and Tommy Deverell hosted their legendary Durham smoker at the Durham Prison Officers Club in August. This is a brilliant event and for those in the south of the north-east region it continues to provide a welcome opportunity to catch up in that area.
For what may be a record third year in succession we hosted the Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Colonel Jon Harris, and the RSM, WO1 Anthony Richardson, together with 2nd Lieutenant Harry Chrisp, a third gener- ation member of the regiment and his father, Harry, plus an array of all ranks from Gaza Barracks at the Assaye Dinner at the County Hotel opposite the Central Station in Newcastle in September.
Once again, we are indebted to the generosity of the Regimental Trustees, who subsidised this event such that tickets were priced at £10 per head, which really is a bargain for a cracking city centre venue, a three course meal, there is even some free drink, and the craic gets better and better. We are keen to see as many association members at this event as possible so please book early to avoid disappointment for 2024.
On Remembrance Sunday association members represented the regiment at a number of services throughout the region. It is both brilliant and important for the regiment to be in attendance at as many such events as possible. I cannot give greater emphasis to the importance of a strong association representation on this great occasion. It was an honour for those association members present to be accompanied by a strong contingent of young soldiers from the regiment, who subsequently enjoyed the hospitality provided in the Companions Club.
This must have been suitably convivial because in December we were equally privileged to be able to entertain B Squadron who were undertaking a ‘cultural’ tour of the regimental museum and surrounding refreshment facilities. This culminated in a gathering at the Leazes Labour Club and my thanks go
to all involved in arranging this great bonding opportunity between the association and the serving regiment.
Our flagship event is Sahagun at the Leazes Labour Club and once again we all enjoyed a very jolly afternoon amongst old friends telling even older stories. I am determined that this hugely symbolic event in the history of the regiment is sustained for many years to come and I hope that we can welcome many more recent regimental members to join us on an occasion that is held so dear by so many who served prior to the amalgamation.
As a branch association we remain indebted to Mick, Dicky and Amanda for all they do behind the scenes, their input to making everything work on our behalf cannot be under estimated.
As a committee we remain committed to our established events, we are mindful to ensure that those events and our role in connecting former members of the regiment must remain relevant and appropriate for those generations coming through, but we really want former regimental members from across the age spectrum to get involved. I appeal for anybody who is interested to take a proactive role to contact Home Headquarter to find out how they can support the association in delivering its objective to provide a great way in which to remain connected with old friends and comrades.
As branch chairman it continues to be my greatest pleasure to meet old and new friends at our gatherings, so please come along, join us and enjoy each other’s company – all are welcome!
North East Branch

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