Page 10 - The KRH Year of 2023 (CREST Sharing)
P. 10

10 The Regimental Journal of The King’s Royal Hussars
 I have ever met, Major Wade has performed at a consistently exceptional level throughout his time in 12 ABCT. From the deployed SO2 ISR role to the management of readiness and risk and a myriad of other tasks, his output has delivered real benefit across the Brigade, its units and the wider Division.
SO2 ISR has a pivotal role as the ‘understand’ lead across the deployed ABCT and Maj Wade has driven excellence from the beginning. His practical approach has seen a reduction in the numbers of scarce INT CORPS and other Divisional special- ists required in the HQ but also enhanced output through the adoption of a more effective ISR process, wargaming tools and deception playbooks. On a multitude of demanding TL G exer- cises from SPECULAR to CERBERUS to ORION Maj Wade delivered in spades; he has played a pivotal part in assuring the LABCTs baseline function has been to a high standard. This approach continued to the form of the HQ as the project officer behind CP Standardisation which has finally seen 12 &20 ABCT adopt a common HQ layout; a significant effort given the multitude of different opinions and organisations to be cor- ralled. The output is a series of CPs better able to work dis- persed and therefore more likely to be survivable; Operational effect is directly enhanced as a result.
Outside of his truly inspirational performance in the field Maj Wade has proven himself a planner par excellence and has
delivered the most challenging pan-HQ outputs with clear Divisional benefits including: the deployment of the ABCT HQ under armour on Ex-CERBERUS 22; Op ALUMINIUM planning that generated the Op IRON SURGE BG reinforce- ment into Op CABRIT; leading the estimate into the 3XX BCS intervention that generated IRON CYCLONE; and the genera- tion of a process that began to test the readiness of the Lead Armoured Brigade Combat Team (LABCT). All this has been produced at pace and has gone some way to helping prove that a credibly deployable Armoured capability exists when many had begun to doubt it.
Maj Wade’s ability to deconstruct problems and bring people together is most evident in his superb approach to one issue in particular - risk. Misunderstood by many but hugely impor- tant, Maj Wade highlights include the qualification of WR Commanders, Noise and Vibration, OES WR reversing cam- eras and a host of overseas training dispensations from non- standard pattern weapons, force-on-force to the use of other nations equipment. All of this was on his own initiative and the extent to which he made himself available 24/7 to deal with issues was impressive.
Maj Wade is a true role model for others and for his dedication, professionalism, and prolonged excellence over the past two years he is worthy of recognition.
 Come and visit us at the Historic Peninsula Barracks: Peninsula Square, Romsey Road, Winchester, SO23 8TS
Opening Hours
Monday - Friday: 10:00 – 16:00 (Last entry 15:30)
Saturday and Bank Holidays: 12:00-16:00 (Last entry 15:30) Sunday: CLOSED
Admission Prices
Adult – £3.00
Children Under 16 – Free
Serving Personnel – Free on production of MOD90
KRH Association – Free, please show your membership card
Friends of HorsePower – Free

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