Page 9 - The KRH Year of 2023 (CREST Sharing)
P. 9

The Regimental Journal of The King’s Royal Hussars 9
  Honours and Awards Citations
CGS’s Commendation
Maj Harry Bartles
requirements for the Combat Manoeuvre Centre, he pro- vided detailed critical analysis, coherent courses of action and achieved a 30% reduction to the Systems Approach to Training requirement, which had a profound effect on the wider Field Army’s additional tasking requirements. In real terms, this rep- resented a significant reduction in the Field Army’s training burden, reduced nights out of bed of service personnel, and is retention positive.
As lead for all Major Accident Control Regulations planning and execution for Lulworth Camp, Danvers grasped what had been a largely neglected task and drove an issue that was at risk of failing. He liaised with emergency services, organised and delivered exercises to reduce risk, improved “actions on”, developed standard operating procedures, and solidified rela- tionships. Of note, he did this while standing in and deliver- ing on all fronts as SO2 Current Operations and SO3 Training Support. This included the planning and execution of two high profile defence activities and highly publicised partner nation training events.
Moreover, Danvers facilitated the delivery and development of Service Personnel on Operation ESCALIN whilst being trawled himself to assist in the planning of the Commonwealth Games. All while still delivering in his primary role and gapped posts at reach. Concurrently, he also introduced the Single Tasking Mechanism function for the Combat Manoeuvre Centre from the Field Army, including organising Combat Manoeuvre Centre centralised training, and single-handedly facilitating over 250 individual trawls.
Through his exceptional work ethic and selfless attitude, Danvers does all this without complaint, often working long hours to deliver outputs. He willingly takes on additional responsibilities to support outputs and reduce the impact on the wider team. For his outstanding contribution to the Combat Manoeuvre Centre, Land Warfare Centre and wider Field Army, Captain Danvers is deserving of the highest acco- lades and recognition.
GOC 3 (UK) Division Commendation
Maj William Wade
Major William Wade is currently serving as the SO2 ISR within HQ 12th Armoured Brigade Combat Team (12ABCT). Major Wade has been in role for over two years as his immediate grade 2 appointment and leaves to command C Sqn KRH. One of the most productive officers
 Within the IC&E team, Maj Bartles has been responsible for commu- nicating the Army’s purpose. He oversaw all aspects of the commu- nications and engagement plan- ning for Project UNIFIED STANCE in the spring and summer of 2022. This was an amalgamation of sev- eral large Army exercises across Europe, including Exercises SPRING
STORM, SWIFT RESPONSE, DEFENDER and ARROW. By linking the exercises and presenting them as a single, unified effort, he aggregated the communications and engagement effect to maximise the impact. He also co-ordinated both the national and international engagement activity, liaising with ministerial outer offices, senior military leaders, British embas- sies and deployed forces. Maj Bartles is commended for his outstanding performance as SO2 Purpose.
Joint Commander’s Certification of Commendation
WO1 (ASM) Adam Henson
Warrant Officer Class 1 Henson deployed as the Battlegroup Artificer Sergeant Major in September 2021. He ensured the Enhanced Forward Presence Battlegroup constantly exceeded its NATO readiness commitments whilst spearheading mul- tiple lines of effort in engineering excellence and operational capability. Constantly operating beyond his core remit, he delivered a rapid uplift and redesign of deployed inspection facilities and redefined the operational safety standard across Europe. An astute planner, he developed novel plans outside of doctrinal boundaries to support the NATO Baltic War Plans. His impact directly supported defence-wide Op CABRIT cam- paign success, and his work strongly influenced the UK’s con- tribution to Ukrainian war efforts, making him richly deserv- ing of formal recognition. He is therefore awarded a Joint Commander’s Commendation.
Director Land Warfare Commendation
Capt Alex Danvers
Captain Danvers has made a significant impact on the Combat Manoeuvre Centre and wider Field Army through his excep- tional leadership and tireless dedication to duty. Through con- ducting a diligent and detailed review of all training support

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