Page 44 - The KRH Year of 2023 (CREST Sharing)
P. 44

44 The Regimental Journal of The King’s Royal Hussars
 The Warrant Officers’ and Sergeants’ Mess
In a break from tradition the outgoing RSM Capt Carl Donald arranged Officers to Seniors to take place at Easter, and whilst it lacked the annual banter of Christmas Carols and ambient lighting, after copious amounts of ‘fizzy boobily’ (rumour has it Capt Chris Pople has had to re-mortgage his house to pay for his share) and 15 toasts to “Mark Black” the tone for the year was set.
Return from POTL saw a change of stewardship of the Mess. The RSM was clear that from the off 2023 was the year the mess needed to reconstitute and come together after a long period of time where Mess members have been ‘on the log’ and often spread to the four winds. Acknowledging that the mess is in a great place thanks to Carl and his committee’s hard work, this would allow him to focus his efforts to be the exception to the norm and explore new ways of doing business.
With that direction in mind, it was time for the PMC to call to order the first mess meeting. Who knew that the RSM would be so needy and particular? A jug of each flavour of juice on the table and doors to open and close for him. So, imagine the PMCs dismay when he dared to save the RSM voice and ‘car- ried’ the mess votes. Despite muddling their way through, they were able to pitch the RSM’s vison and MM fully brought in, and after many years the 175th battle of Ramnuggar would be held out of camp. Decision made, the committee went to work.
Our first formal evening of the year came in the form of the RSM dine out. A night to come together and thank Carl for his time and dedication as RSM. The sheer number of DITS and people in attendance were a testament to how much he means to all MM past and present.
The LIMs community continue to exploit their ‘front room’ and after listening to Sgt Alan Kendall describe in great depth what is wrong with the day’s offering of chips, they can be frequently found huddled around the karaoke machine lis- tening to Sgt Doug Bradbury murdering yet another classic. Our annual BBQ and Games LIMS vs LIMs evening, where the young Subalterns give their black tie a miss and eat down the hill. As always with MM taking full advantage of FHTB we find ourselves heavily oversubscribed for mess rooms, present- ing its own challenges as MM are spread to the four winds. With this being the norm within the next cohort to join the mess it is going to be interesting to see how this is overcome and how we continue to keep this sense of family alive.
To see out the summer months and welcome in the bitter autumn, the mess came together for an Oktoberfest themed function and celebrated with all things German. Luckily, the sun made an appearance for the weekend, as the event was in the garden under a stretch tent. With enough alcohol to hydrate the Regiment, a select few had a taster session on the Friday to ensure the beer provided was up to the required standard. From lederhosen to famous personalities, Mess members donned their fancy dress, grabbed a stein, and hosted their guests. The DJ was blasting his classic German Munich in the build-up to the Oompah band conducting a two-hour set and then would switch it up to German techno which, initially requested by Sgt Bradbury but unfortunately due to having glass knees could not attend the event. Luckily, Sgt Toni Pacitti
     REME out in force

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