Page 64 - The KRH Year of 2023 (CREST Sharing)
P. 64

64 The Regimental Journal of The King’s Royal Hussars
Boxing requires determination, courage, physical prowess, and respect for one’s opponent!
KRH Boxing returned after a successful 2022 and Ex WINTER BOUT in Estonia. WO2 Plant and Cpl Stancombe were given a clean slate to assemble a KRH Boxing Team for the Battle of Balaclava ‘Fight Night’, following the deployment of the KRH BG for 8 weeks on Ex IRON CYCLONE. This was to be an inter-squadron competition with participants from an array of nationalities boxing for the Brockenhurst Trophy in Oct 23.
Thirty-five soldiers from the Regiment attended the first train- ing session in September, but injuries, personal limitations and stiff competition whittled down the group to a core of com- mitted boxers. The KRH Boxing Officer Lt John “Fast Hands” Dempsey even attempted to train, but the fact that there was nothing fast about him was soon realised and he quickly appre- ciated he should stick to croquet. Veterans Tprs Bretherton and Harris served as role models for the rookies, both in training and work ethic. Under the firm but fair guidance of Head Coach WO2 “MFP” Plant and his trusty sidekick Cpl “Kitchen Sink” Stancombe, the KRH Boxing Team was shaping up nicely.
After weeks of intense training, sparring and strict diets, the final 16 boxers from every element of the Regiment, as well as attached arms assembled for the main event. The rest of the Regiment turned out in full force to support their Sqn boxers.
LCpl “G6” Mohammidi (B Sqn) opened the evening in the square ring after the crowd pleaser ‘Sweet Caroline’ with a brave effort against a strong Tpr Straker (B Sqn), but the deci- sion to stop the bout was made by the Referee due to Mo’s nose being rearranged. Bout two was decided by a good 2nd round stoppage by Cpl Hamer (D Sqn). Tpr “Bomber” Harris
Dream Team
(A Sqn) also continued the early decisions with a compelling finish, smiling his way to victory. The last bout before the inter- val was a great display of technical competence and controlled aggression by both boxers Cpl ‘Tommy’ White (A Sqn) & Tpr Bretherton (D Sqn) with the ever-happy White winning by split decision.
The interval allowed the SQMS to provide refreshments and beverages to the Regiment armed with a SumUp card machine, while guests socialised and discussed the night so far.
The second half of the Balaclava battles began with a brave and defiant performance from LCpl Navato (D Sqn), who refused to give any ground despite being defeated on points by Tpr Corden (D Sqn) in a well-planned fight. Cfn Qumivutia (D Sqn LAD) gave a textbook example of listening to his coaches’ orders with explosive boxing phases and high IQ to win by Referee stopping the contest against a tough and cou- rageous Tpr Roberts (B Sqn). In the finale, the super heavy- weights entered the ring, and the Regiment was on its feet. Tpr Rolandsen (A Sqn) and Tpr Valetini (B Sqn) were bold, fear- less and explosive from the bell, each exchanging numerous heavy combinations while also displaying their boxing skills throughout. At the final bell, the judges’ scorecards were tight, but a split decision was awarded to Tpr V, the gold-toothed boxer.
While not a clean sweep for any squadron, the KRH Boxing event was a resounding success, with new boxers emerging and moving on to compete at the RAC’s Hodson’s Horse, with preparation and sparring from MFP alongside the REME Corps Boxing Team, 1 MERCIAN, Royal Artillery, and civilian clubs.
complete recovery after a period in the field.
   With dedicated, rigorous training and planning from Planty, Stan and Corps man SSgt R Parker, KRH Boxing has made a
 Rollie sparring the Mercians

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