Page 62 - The KRH Year of 2023 (CREST Sharing)
P. 62

 62 The Regimental Journal of The King’s Royal Hussars
    The ball was later found on the polo pitches!
   From Turkey to Cyprus
Andrews, LCpl Raygun Gurung, LCpl Ronan Villiers and LCpl Hawksworth meant that team captain Cpl Dan Andrews would lift the cup and for the first time, have their Mess inscribed onto the plaque. The Cpls’ Mess hosted the SNCOs for a beer or three after which was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Both teams are eager for the upcoming years match, with the SNCOs expressing desire to incorporate some fresh legs into the team.
LCpl Alan Brackenbury sadly lost his life on Op TELIC in 2005 and this year, as always, we remembered him with the Tprs vs JNCOs football match down at Tidworth Oval with the Regiment eagerly sat in the stands to watch a well contested game. A slow start saw them going in at half time 0-0 and the referee, Cpl Wilton having to give both teams a stern word in the dressing rooms as both teams clearly had their eye on the trophy and were taking no prisoners to get the result for their respective peers. Goals in the second half coming from Cpls Kay & Ellmer and Tprs OGarro & Pompey saw the game
Cfn Ord produces a save for victory!
go into a penalty shootout which the Tprs would dominate through a little help from their goalkeeper Cfn Ord, who made a number of spectacular saves denying the JNCOs from retain- ing the trophy. This finalised the game 4-1 and the trophy was lifted by team captain, Tpr Edmunds.
The KRH have been chasing a Cavalry Cup win since 2005 and this year, could be OUR YEAR. A long journey for the 1st round fixture up in Leuchars against the SCOTS DG will see the squad heading up for a week to acclimatise in the high- lands and hopefully with the result to see us proceed into the next round.
Last year was a challenge for Regimental sport and therefore it’s been a pleasure to get back on the pitch. The passion for the game persists and the KRH FC are relishing the prospect of a strong second half to the season and hope to imprint our Regimental name on a piece of silverware.
1 Minutes silence for Abbo

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