Page 77 - The KRH Year of 2023 (CREST Sharing)
P. 77

The Regimental Journal of The King’s Royal Hussars 77
 Hawks in The Hindu Kush
The King’s Royal Hussars and the Guides Cavalry have had a long association through the 10th Hussars that stretches from the Second Afghan War; It has been 13 years since our last exchange to Pakistan and at long last it was felt it was time for Lts English and Campbell to head over the horizon and continue our old friendship. This exchange was a particularly great opportunity for Lt Campbell to retrace his family history as his Great-Grandfather, Lt Col Charles Eales MC, served with the Corps of Guides until he was killed in 1941 as OC Troops Seychelles.
Landing in Pakistan the pair were hosted by the AMA Maj Julian Hill RA in the Diplomatic Enclave of Islamabad. In a quick turnaround they headed south to Bahawulpur in a Cessna, much to the delight of the travellers, and on arrival at the quiet airfield they were met by their principal host Major Haider, Acting Regimental 2IC, with a convoy of troops in trucks. Bahawulpur is the City of Nawabs, a princely state, and as a result the Military Cantonment which the Guides Cavalry currently call home is full of beautiful palaces and parks. The two Lts were immediately made to feel at home by the Officers and Soldiers of the Regiment. The Commanding Officer Colonel Raza welcomed them and set out the agenda for the two weeks.
Lts English and Campbell were taken on tours of the Regiment, the Cantonment, the city itself, and visited other Regiments in the Division. On the military side of the exchange highlights included demonstrations of the Guides’ MBT, the T-85; visiting
Lt English and Campbell impressed with their travel arrangements
a Sqn field exercise, and attending a Corps level model dis- cussion. They also had excellent visits to 26FF, 154 Anti-Tank Regiment and 316 Engineer Regiment spending the week see- ing a full range of Corps capabilities.
Between official visits throughout the Corps the Lts were taken to local restaurants and tea rooms; had front row seats at the Noor Mahal Light show; were taken for fittings of Shalwar Kameez, the traditional clothing; And took part in the Regiment’s Iqbal day, a day that celebrates their national poet with a large all ranks lunch.
      A rare visit to the Tank Park, with Lt Saad and Captain Mustafa
Exchanging notes on tactics
    Inspecting Sqn Manoeuvres on the Pakistani Plain
Capt Oldroyd and Lt English take Major Akif and Captain Haider to Barbury

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