Page 81 - The KRH Year of 2023 (CREST Sharing)
P. 81

 The Regimental Journal of The King’s Royal Hussars 81
 British. His golf handicap did not improve. Next stop: the UK for the British version of flying.
4 years and 4 months since the start of flying training Maj Pryor found himself back in the familiar territory of Middle Wallop, just 15 minutes closer to London than Tidworth and with Salisbury Plain Training Area right on his doorstep. The first 6 months were spent unlearning some American habits picked up in the States (line dancing, shot-gunning beers, etc.) to fly the much more ‘proscribed’ British way. Despite pick- ing up his first air warning since starting flying training for a particularly average sortie (it turns out not every landing is a happy one) and learning how to sound “less British Airways and more attack helicopter” on the radio, the conversion to the British way of flying was complete.
As 2024 appeared, the end was in sight. The tactics phase was an area in which Maj Pryor excelled; an Apache is basically a flying tank with remarkably similar tactical considerations (use of ground, jockeying, quick battle orders, etc). In June 2024, Maj Pryor will finally be back to the front line based out of Wattisham, Suffolk.
Completing the flying course is a long and arduous process but the rewards are great. Due to a change of policy, it has sadly meant that Maj Pryor has experienced first-hand the results of press gang and has had to (kicking and screaming) relinquish the beloved crimsons of the KRH for the far less sartorially ele- gant AAC. In the summer of 2024, Maj Pryor will finally marry
the long-suffering Emily at their home in Wimbledon, where a large KRH contingent will be acting on their best behaviour.

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