Page 83 - The KRH Year of 2023 (CREST Sharing)
P. 83

 The Regimental Journal of The King’s Royal Hussars 83
 The Royal Wessex Yeomanry
This has been another tight year in the relationship between the Royal Wessex Yeomanry and the King’s Royal Hussars. Perhaps no surprise, given that CO, 2IC and RSM are all cur- rent or former members of the Regiment.
Mr Buglass has had quite the year. Very rightly selected for a commission, the highlight of his year must nevertheless have been the preparation of both a Guidon Party and Marching Detachment for The Coronation.
Also a contributing factor to bringing the regiments tighter together are the three KRH Permanent Staff Admin Officers. Capt Geordie Kennedy, Capt Wayne Price and Capt Paul Taylor are my key permanent staff leads in B, C and D Squadrons respectively. I am incredibly fortunate to have them on the team and the old relationships make it easy for us to get ahead of issues before they become problems. In the back office here in Bovington, WO2 Mark “Stumpy” Sword and WO2 Neil “Bugsy” Malone have joined WO2 Paul “Rick” Astley during the year to complete the set of RQ, RQ(T) and MTWO. Finally, SSgt Pete Leach remains the full-time SQMS for D Sqn, down
in Exeter. He must be a candidate for the longest-serving hus- sar still in harness.
Within the squadrons, SSgt Kirkbride, SSgt Lancaster, SSgt Culley and Cpl Baron are all doing good work as instructors and tank commanders, fitting everything from state ceremo- nial to teaching signals around their busy day jobs. Major Jamie Pollard-Jones is also an active member of the regiment, serving as a Company Commander with London UOTC.
With us on a shorter-term basis, we have an excellent set of Permanent Staff Instructors from the KRH. WO2 “Rusty” Saunders will now be with us until the end of his regular ser- vice in 2024. Sgt Adam Leach has left the building this year after nearly a decade split between B Squadron in Old Sarum and C Squadron in Cirencester. Finally, Sgt Chris Bennett has spent the year at B Sqn, further honing his skills as a gunnery instructor and as a trainer. LCpl Gary Taylor has also joined us as the CO’s Driver.
Re-energisation after the forced suppression during COVID continues. Our Annual Training Period saw a Troop of tanks (borrowed from the KRH over their leave) deployed onto Salisbury Plain for a week. All four drove back in under their
   Comd 12X
  Crew Commanders – Cpl Baron is second from left
   ATP – Armoured OBUA

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