Page 84 - The KRH Year of 2023 (CREST Sharing)
P. 84

84 The Regimental Journal of The King’s Royal Hussars
   Cav Mem – Sharman and Hodges about to lead off
  Cav Mem – Sharman and Kennedy
  own steam; achieving a week with no breakdowns at all was real testimony to the standards being set by the KRH.
Sporting and social life is also continuing to re-emerge. Our mixed hockey and men’s rugby teams thoroughly enjoyed playing in the Bournemouth 7s tournament this year and the Officers’ Mess has enjoyed dinners at the Inns of Court and onboard the SS Great Britain. More sport and more parties are planned for next year, under the expert direction of Maj Ed Hodges, the second in command.
In July, the regiment took part in the Thanksgiving Service the life of Col David Lowsley-Williams, who died at Chaven in April. A former 11th Hussar, Col David had commanded
Wessex Yeomanry from 1973-76. The church was full of his old friends from both regiments, and it was fitting that the Guidon Party was commanded by a KRH Regimental Sergeant Major.
Into 2024, the Royal Wessex Yeomanry will continue to offer a home-from-home for KRH officers and soldiers leaving full- time service. We need your knowledge, qualifications, experi- ence, and enthusiasm to lead and train the next generation of reservist tank soldiers.
  Wayne Price
 Visit from Royal Col
  Golden Orb Guidon Party - WB and SSgt Lancaster
 for age the

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