Page 90 - The KRH Year of 2023 (CREST Sharing)
P. 90

 90 The Regimental Journal of The King’s Royal Hussars
    King Edwards School CCF, Bath
KES CCF have had an active and successful 2023. After returning to our normal standards of training following the long-term effects of the pandemic, 2023 has seen the contin- gent expand to its largest size on record and take part in events ranging from the tactical to the ceremonial.
The contingent has deployed on 3 major exercises – Ex FIRST CHANCE, Ex NEXT STEP and Ex WARRIOR CADET. Ex FIRST CHANCE is the first opportunity for the newest recruits to learn the fundamentals of fieldcraft, in lessons taught largely by the JNCOs, covering topics such as observation, field signals, navigation and camouflage. Ex NEXT STEP, held at Scraesdon Fort in Cornwall, is a more advanced exercise,
Top Gun? – on the deck of HMS Queen Elizabeth
Remembrance Day Parade in Bath
covering section-level tactics, the orders process, FIBUA and abseiling. Finally, Ex WARRIOR CADET is the most challeng- ing exercise run by the CCF, enabling suitable senior cadets to gain their Advanced Infantry Badge. The exercise, run this year in Brecon, involved section and platoon deliberate attacks, recce patrols, horrible weather (of course!), harbour drills and more unexpected scenarios such as a roadside bomb and even a threat from within the platoon. For everyone involved, these were extremely rewarding, and a fantastic time was had by all.
However, the CCF does not focus solely on fieldcraft, and we have continued to run regular First Aid training throughout the year. This culminated in Ex PATCH UP, in which sections

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