Page 91 - The KRH Year of 2023 (CREST Sharing)
P. 91

The Regimental Journal of The King’s Royal Hussars 91
 of cadets must deal with various scenarios as they arise simul- taneously, including broken legs, burns, head injuries, cardiac arrest, asthma attacks and shock, simulated with great enthu- siasm by the senior cadets and staff. This exercise demands not only a high standard of First Aid knowledge, but also team- work and communication. This is an important part of our training program, as it is one of the many vital life skills we teach which cadets can apply outside of a military setting.
In May the Contingent was invited aboard HMS Queen Elizabeth by her Captain OE Ian Feasey, where we received a guided tour of the ship, Lunch as well as exchanged plaques with the ship’s commander, the day ended with a visit to HMS Victory, taking in both the newest and oldest commissioned war ships in the Navy.
The contingent is also extremely proud of its Corps of Drums, which has steadily increased in strength over recent years. They have attended music camps at Otterburn and Altcar and featured prominently in the Bath Remembrance Parade in November, playing the KRH’s regimental march. On such an important day of commemoration, the contingent turns out in full strength and is the largest (and, we believe, smartest) con- tingent on parade. We are very grateful to the KRH for supply- ing so many sets of No 1 and No 2 dress which undoubtedly make our contingent stand out.
But it’s not all work, and the major social event of the CCF cal- endar is the annual Dinner Night, involving a formal meal fol- lowed by a ceilidh dance. We were also delighted to welcome Lt David Palmer from the KRH who represented the regiment at the event. It is always a good occasion to welcome back some former cadets (including the oldest former cadet at 92) and is certainly a lot of fun.
And so, as we step off into 2024, we can look back on a year full of excitement and progress, and, with events on the hori- zon including the next edition of Ex NEXT STEP, Skill at Arms, signals and shooting, we look forward to a thrilling and suc- cessful year ahead.
“Which leg hurts?” – Ex PATCH UP
    2Cambrai Company, Hampshire & IOW ACF
023 started with an always welcome influx of new cadets Remembrance Parades and developing our cadet SNCOs across all 7 detachments within the Company. This year leadership skills.
was going to be busy with a clear goal of regaining the Champion Company award, last won in 2012, and restricted training facilities available adding to the usual mix.
The Company took part in a variety of activities over the year placing in the top three for Athletics, First Aid, Swimming and Mil Skills and Drill competitions all thanks to the dedi- cation of our adult staff (CFAV) and overall determination of our 166 cadets.
In the Spring the company made the most of being based in the New Forest and pounded out the miles raising over £3,000.00 for local charities and teaching some valuable nav- igation lessons!!
This year has bought us the opportunity to carry out a vari- ety of training and community engagement activities such as helping at the KRH Museum Day in Winchester, staff- ing the banner party for the Royal British Legion in local
Over the year the Company have been actively promoting BTEC awards at both Level 1 & 2. This drive has meant our cadets get access to qualifications that they can do online with their ACF activities. As a company we have become the biggest provider in Hampshire over multiple youth organisations, an achievement formally recognised by the Lord Lieutenant and the Cadet Vocational College to our lead instructor.
The highlight of the year for the Company was the cadets’ achievements on annual camp, with a new format and limited space at Brunswick Camp we as a company were responsible for delivering training for the Junior cadets from the whole county (circa 250) with the assistance of the ever-welcome Capt Chris Pople (KRH) during the fieldcraft phase we delivered a tiring but successful camp. Topped off by winning not only the Champion Company but also best detachment and best Adult Instructor.

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