Page 95 - The KRH Year of 2023 (CREST Sharing)
P. 95

The Regimental Journal of The King’s Royal Hussars 95
 HorsePower The Museum of The King’s Royal Hussars
Following the loss last year of Col Mike Vickery as one of our trustees, we welcomed the appointment of the QM Capt Chris Pople as an ex-officio trustee. Having a serving member of the regiment ensures that the connection between museum and regiment remains close. As we intend to provide a sharper focus on our contemporary history within our planning for the new, fully merged museum, Chris’ advice, detailed support and help with sourcing materiel should prove invaluable. We hope that future QMs on appointment will now automatically join the Board as an ex-officio trustee.
The Covid lockdowns created many problems for the museum which even now, a year or so on, still have ramifications. We lost many of our volunteers, some through natural retirement and others who have moved on in their young lives. Considerable effort has been made to recruit replacements with some success but, as ever, the more we have the more we can progress our plans. Volunteers remain an essential element of the museum and a critical resource in helping our Museum Assistant Richard Joyner to meet his daily museum responsibilities.
We particularly welcome young undergrads intending to make a career in the museum sector and, although their time with us is naturally limited by their studies, their contribution is valu- able, and the work experience we can give them is equally val- uable on their CVs; but all volunteers are more than welcome and we can certainly offer a wide breadth of work to cater for all interests and skills.
During 2022/23 the museum has made or received several acquisitions which we look forward to including in the new layout. Amongst many other items, the museum was pre- sented with Col RJP Anderson’s (CO 11H during WW1) med- als to add to his handwritten diaries already held; extracts from the scrapbook of the widow of Arthur Hughes-Onslow 10H; the loan of a fascinating 20H Orders Book from Egypt/Sudan 1888-1890 which is being transcribed; the purchase at auction of the William Henry Pennington scrapbook.
As the last 11H survivor of the Charge of the Light Brigade and the central figure in Lady Butler’s Balaclava, this is a fascinating
Colonel R P J Anderson
personal archive which gives Pennington a significant place in both regimental history and the history of the battle. The museum unexpectedly received a most generous legacy from the estate of Robert ‘Bobby’ Spencer, cousin of Princess Diana, who served briefly in 11H between 1950-52 and who died at his home in Florida in March 2023. This legacy has specifically allowed the museum to start the long awaited and essential
    Colonel Anderson’s Medal Group

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