Page 7 - 1995 Mountaineering Club Bulletin
P. 7
Icelandic 500. Dec 94 to Mar 95.
Cpl Sean Chappie 40 Cdo RM. Completed successfully, report received.
Ski Mountaineering in the Vanoise.
Party of 13 led by James Grant. Very successful, article in this Review.
JSE Andes 95.
Expedition has been completed successfully.
Climbed Ancohuma and Illimani (S summit). Report awaited.
Naya Kanga 95.
Les Yeoman - Mar / Apr 95. Decision taken to abort attempt on main objective due to poor weather. Reached a height of 15,500 ft. Remade arrangements whilst in Kathmandu and subsequent ly undertook 5 day trek in the Annapurna area to Pokhara where a height of 11,000ft was reached. Report received and an article in this Review.
Cdr T R Chapman - DGA(N) Yeovilton. Mountain walking and camping at altitude in Pyrenees, Sierra Nevada and Andorra. Report awaited.
Ex Jersey Cow 95.
4 Club members from HMS SULTAN went to Jersey 14-22 Apr to climb. Successfully completed. Report received and article in this Review.
Ex Hotrock 95.
4 RNEC personnel led by Steve Taylor went to Spain from 14 - 28 Apr. Successfully completed. Report received and article in this Review.
McKinley 95.
Lt Cdr Neil Hicking led team of 8 attempting West Buttress route. Got high on the mountain but were defeated by the weath er. Showed slides at AGM. Report received and article in this Review.
Expedition Andean Condor.
Lt Cdr A Clarke led 12 man Joint Service Team to Ecuador 9 - 28 Jun to attempt Cotopaxi, Chimborazo etc. Successfully completed. Report received.
Joint Services Alpine Meet 1995.
Based at Tasch a few Kms North of Zermatt. Weather excellent, Meet very successful. 90 plus attendees, 40 from RN&RMMC. The Central Pennine Alps offered excellent climbing at all grades on Rock, snow and ice or mixed ground. A good number of high grade routes were climbed by RN and RM attendees. Report received and article in this Review.
Expedition Alpine Chuff.
POPT Billy Bremner and Lt Cdr A Clarke successfully climbed the Eiger via the Mitteleggi Ridge during 4 -1 3 Aug 95. Report received and article in this Review.
EX Rolwaling Explorer.
Surg Lt Cdr Andy Hughes leading a team of 12 young marines from 3 Cdo Bde to Nepal. Only recently returned to UK. Highly success ful. Report awaited.
Himalayan Experience.
Dave Barret leading team on trek from Jiri to Gokyo. Only recently returned to UK but article in this Review.
British Services Gasherbrum 1 Expedition 1996.
The team has now been selected. One of the RAF members of the Main Team has dropped out and Mne Martin Hallet has taken his place. Expedition has been endorsed and sponsored by the JSET and approved by the Royal Geographical Society. If successful this will be the first Service success on an 8000m peak since 1976 (SAS on Everest), the first Service ascent of an 8000m peak alpine style without oxygen and the second British Ascent of the peak (the first was by Jonanthan Pratt in 1994).
Proposed JSE to Antarctica 1997/98.
No serious takers. AMA have expressed an interest in taking over the proposal as they have been trying to mount an Antarctic Expedition for many years. Exped Sec will discuss with Chairman AMA.
CILOR (Cash in Lieu of Rations).
With effect from 1 Apr 96 CILOR is being disaggregated to TLB’s. This will undoubtedly have implications for those who may wish to draw CILOR in the future (eg for JSAM) and provi sion should be made by BLB’s in their LTC bids.
Applications for Grants at AGM 1995 British Service Gasherbrum 1 Expedition 1996.
The Expedition Sec requested an award of £100 per head for the 6 members of the club who are participating in the Gasherbrum expedition, to be offset against their personal contributions which are £1500 each. This was agreed and the committee instructed that in view of the magnitude of the venture and high personal contribution a further request may be favourably con sidered.
Request for Grant from RN&RMMC
CDR B Pancott. Cdr Brian Pancott is leading a JS team to Mt Kenya in Jan / Feb 96 and has requested a grant of £50.00. PC in the region of £250.00. Approved.
Ski Mountaineering Expedition - March/April 1996.
Cdr James Grant requested a grant of £600 for the 96 Club Ski- mountaineering expedition. Committee agreed on £37.50 per head for each participating club member paying their subscrip tion by direct debit, up to a maximum of £450.
Gimigella 1997. Major Pat Parsons is planning to mount an expedition in 1997 to a remote part of the Eastern Himalayas to make the first ascent of Gimigella which is just over 7000m high. It has only been climbed once, by the Japanese, and the trek in to the area was described by Pete Boardman as the most beauti ful in the world.
The committee agreed to approve the expedition as an RN&RMMC trip and to provisionally award a grant of £600 which may be increased if necessary and funds are available.