Page 8 - 1995 Mountaineering Club Bulletin
P. 8

 Those attending:
Jez Heir Keven Blake Olin Thores Alistair Stuart Mike Beeley Chris Loge Clive Waghorn Jane Grimlev
Iain McCallum Tam McNeish Phil Clark Russell W atson Arian Walker Ian .Aiston
Dave Cummings Kevin Amaira
Tracey Blake
Ian McMillan Dick Tough Martin Wass
Tug W ilson Steve Lister Graham Shellard
Those attending:
Neil Hicking Chris Terrell Rob Magowan
Routes Climbed
The Curtain IV. 5 Cresta III
Cam Mor Dearg
Dave Ward John Bumip KevinAmaira James Raitt Andy Muddiman Rae Hicking
Winter Meet 6 -12 Feb. 1995
Ben Nevis Meet 5-10 March 1995
The meet was well attended again this year and club members were able to make the most of excellent winter conditions throughout the week. We welcome two new* club members, Olin Thores an Tug Wilson more of him later!) and also Martin Wass who returns to the fold after a few years absence. Having never met Martin. I was wondering how I would recognise him when I went to collect him from Kyle station late on the first evening. It was not difficult! Not only had he survive British Rail all the way from the West Country but, he had enthusiastically turned up
with all the kit he possessed, including skis, bindings and ski poles. Keen or what!
Now to Tug Wilson, as promised. Tug turned up with his oppo Chris Loge, all the way from HMS DAEDALUS- Tug was a novice to winter conditions but with his experienced oppo Chris to guide him, he had nothing to fear. On day one of the meet, they drove to Torridon and set off up Liathach. To cut a long story short, having just roped-up (phew on the ridge in prepara­ tion to start a route, Chris tried to fly one full rope length over the edge. He broke his ankles and it was left to Tug who had never donned crampons or use an ice-axe before, to assist Chris down off the mountain. Several painful hours later they manage to reach their vehicles and went to Inverness hospital where Chris spent the rest of the week in a room with a tantalising view of the mountains. Fortunately he has made a fill] recovery (and was at the AGM this year to prove it!). Tug deserves a medal for keep­ ing his cool during his first club epic and dividing the remainder of his meet time between hospital visits and more days on the hill. To both ofyou, having driven so far to Scotland for the meet, please delay the epic next time!
After day one, it could only get better for the rest of the week. Club members did routes and snow plods throughout Torridon, Applecross, Isle of Sky, Glen Sheil and Glen Carron areas. The weather was perfect mid-week, almost alpine, with an extremely cold front bringing freezing conditions underfoot, clear skies and stunning visibility' for miles. Thereafter it was not so brilliant but we braved the elements all the same!
Georgie Grimson and her staff provided excellent meals as usual and continued to man the bar until late into every evening. Fortunately Balmacara House has won a reprieve and will not close this year. Although it will (of course,; be predominately full of Trials Teams and divers, it still provides an outstanding facili­ ty' for all of us. See you again there soon. (Til be a civvy'!)
Jane Grimley
Tower Ridge III Vanishing Gulley V5 Cam Dearg
Slalom III
NE Buttress IV, 4 Ice Smears
The first time in the CIC Hut for many of the group proved to be a comfortable experience and allowed many good routes to be climbed without the long walk in each day. The hut
was booked from Sunday to Thursday nights, with the majority' of the group negotiating the bogs of the Allt a’ Mhuilinn on Sunday afternoon with the largest sack award going to Dave Ward Most had taken 6 day’s rations and a half bottle of whiskey, Dave must have carried twice that!
Heavy snow’ falls the previous w'eek maintained a high avalanche risk on north to east facing gullies and slopes, effec­ tively putting routes from Observatory' Gulley and Corrie na Ciste out of bounds. As a result the main climbs completed with ridges and ice smears. Waist deep snow experienced on the approach to Tower Ridge on the Monday confirmed the danger­ ous snow conditions. In contrast the SE facing Little Brenva Face required crampons low down on the approach as near per­ fect neve was experienced. Light snow fell during the week with some clear periods providing good views of the surrounding Highlands heavily' covered in snow.
Notable events during the w'eek included Dave and John requesting a refund of hut fees after spending the night in the summit shelter, Rob Magowan climbing up to and descending down from the hut during the middle of the night and a rapid guest appearance from climbing groupie Martin Hallett to ‘just bag a quick grade V’.
Despite the less than ideal snow conditions, a good selection of the Ben’s classic routes were climbed, taking full advantage of the hut’s favourable position on the mountain. Many thanks are extended to the Scottish Mountaineering Club for the use of their excellent facility', which enabled all to experience a good weeks climbing.
A similar booking has been accepted for 1996. Check the meets programme for details.
Neil Hicking

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