Page 12 - Thrapston Life April 2022
P. 12
Tira Stanford – Artist
Tira Stan moved to Thrapston when she was three months old – a town she loves with a beautiful landscape on her doorstep.
Were you always good at art at school? I have always loved art, I got good grades at school and went on to Tresham to do art, which I passed with flying colours.
Tell us more... Being creative does help with your mental health (except for when things go wrong!) I find myself getting restless if I haven’t painted or made something for a while, it gives me a chance to focus my mind. I love new crafts – maybe resin or a bit of pyrography?
How long have you been creating
your artwork? I have always created
things, encouraged as a child by my
mum, dad and nan. I have tried many
crafts – jewellery, painting and even
dried flower arranging. Lockdown
made me turn back to my art as I struggled to stay sane and fill my days.
Where do you get your ideas from? I love the countryside and take inspiration from there. I also love animals, my dog Flash must be the most painted dog in the country!
What’s your studio like? Unfortunately, I don’t have a studio, I work outside when the weather is dry or very, very carefully in my dining room when I can’t. I am hoping to create some covered space in the garden later this year to save the carpet.
Being creative does help with your mental health
Who works with you, or do you go it alone? I work alone, but I do have a good friend with whom I have craft and art sessions, we swap techniques, have a good natter and a cuppa!
What is the best thing about your job? My actual job is as a graphic
designer, in 2020 I went freelance which has been a steep learning curve. It has given me the freedom to split my days between art and graphics.
How do you sell your artwork? I have a couple of websites, and I also partake in Thrapston Indoor Market most months along with the Charter Fair when it comes along.
What’s your favourite piece? I love the ones of my dog Flash and the big wave painting. and