Page 26 - Thrapston Life April 2022
P. 26

                                WHAT’S ON
Getting out and about...
We meet at St James church hall 2-3.30 on the first and third Wednesday each month. Country dancing is a great way of keeping fit and making new friends. All dances are fully explained with a walk through. Dances include Playford style dances from the 18th and 17th century ,modern contra dances and squares. Beginners are very
welcome. No partner required. Please ring George on 01933 622827 for any details. Look forward to seeing you.
Thank you all for your support. Our next sale will be June 11th from 9-2pm.
We will be at Thrapston Farmers Market on the first Saturday in April, May and June. Forms will be available from 1st April, email:
£5 to register – all proceeds to charity.
We have raised over £9,000 for various charities over the last 9 years. Thank you for your support
Lindsey and Cindy

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