Page 28 - Thrapston Life April 2022
P. 28
St. James’ Church
St. Nicholas’ Church, Islip
Holy Trinity Church, Denford Rector: Reverend Nolan Robson
e: t: 01832 734614
This year we have been running a LENT course in St James Church at 6.30pm on Sunday evenings. There are still two sessions left if you’d like to join us - 3rd and 10th April. Please check the website for up to date information.
Look out for details of an Easter Activity Day on Tuesday 12th April from 10.00am - 3.00pm during which there will be fun things for all
the family and an’ Easter themed escape room. More details on the website.
Sunday 3rd April
9.30am Family Service in Thrapston 11.15am Morning Service in Denford 11.15am Communion Service in Islip
Sunday 10th April PALM SUNDAY
9.30am Morning Service in Thrapston 11.15am Communion Service in Denford 11.15am Morning Service in Islip
Friday 15th April GOOD FRIDAY
2.00pm Good Friday Vigil in Denford
Sunday 17th April EASTER DAY
9.30am Easter Communion in Thrapston 11.15am Communion by Extension in Denford 11.15am Easter Communion Service in Islip
Sunday 24th April
9.30am Family Service in Thrapston 11.15am Communion Service in Denford 11.15am Morning Service in Islip
Denford Holy Trinity Church
Afternoon Teas
Sunday 15th May 2.00pm until 4.00pm. Supporting Christian Aid.
A change to your Denford Calendar
The Harvest Festival will now be on Sunday 9th October with Monday 10th being the Harvest supper.
10th April 14th April 15th April 16th April 17th April
Palm Sunday 10.30am Maundy Thursday 7pm Good Friday 3pm Easter Vigil 8.30pm Easter Sunday 10.30am
St. Paul’s Roman Catholic Church Parish Priest: Father Pius Amoako
e: t: 07881 467624
It might be helpful to have some words of explanation about the Holy Week Services.
Palm Sunday celebrates the remarkable entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, his path strewn with palm leaves by the excited crowd who hail him as their King. On this day Palm Crosses are blessed at the start of Mass.
Maundy Thursday calls to mind Jesus’
Last Supper with his twelve disciples – the occasion of the institution of the Eucharist. Jesus’ commandment ‘Love one another’ is also recalled by the Washing of Feet, a sign of humble commitment to others.
Good Friday commemorates the Suffering and Death of Jesus on the Cross. The full account found in the Gospel of John is read dramatically with the congregation taking the part of the Crowd. The Crucifix is held high for all to venerate and communion is received.
The Holy Saturday Easter Vigil celebrates the Resurrection of Jesus with the lighting of the Pascal Candle from the ‘new fire’ set outside the church.
After the ‘Exsultet’ – the ancient song proclaiming Jesus as ‘The Light of the World’ - the story of the Salvation of Mankind is recalled in several Bible Readings from the Creation of the World through to the Resurrection of Jesus.
Easter Sunday Mass is the further celebration of the Resurrection as witnessed by the disciples in the New Testament.
And so, through the course of the Holy Week Liturgy, the Christian Faith is witnessed and celebrated by all who take part.