Page 29 - Thrapston Life April 2022
P. 29

                                CHURCH NEWS
 How do you sum up
  Thrapston Baptist Church
Minister: Reverend Mat Hussain
e: t: 07501 718797
 It is with heavy hearts that
we say goodbye to our
pastor Mat and his family at
the end of the month, who
leave us for Brackley, South
Northants where Mat will
be taking up a new ministry.
We wish them well with love
and prayers as they embark
on this new chapter. Thrapston Baptist Church also begins a new chapter after Easter as we continue without a full-time minister for the foreseeable future. We pray for God’s direction and provision during this transitional time. Our farewell service for the Hussains will take place on Sunday April 24th at 10:30am, to which all are most welcome. Mat, Joy, Josh and Miriam have all been active members and will be greatly missed.
The month of April takes us through the season of Easter. The services planned for April will have the following themes and preachers.
by Mat Hussain
So how do you sum up 7 years? That’s how long I’ve been in Thrapston, with my family, and
it’s also the time that I have had the privilege
of serving as the Minister of Thrapston Baptist Church. Sadly, at the end of April, we will be moving away, as I take up a new post in another church. I say sadly, because we are truly sad to move on. We have made many friendships in our time here and we will sorely miss the people we have journeyed with.
I wonder what difference I have made. I’d like to think that the lives of people have been made a little bit richer because I’ve been here; my life is certainly richer through the experiences I have had and the people that I have met.
Being a Minister, I get involved in both the highs and lows of people’s lives, weddings and funerals, laughter and tears, joy and sorrow. It’s a privilege to be involved at these key moments.
The last couple of years, have been important times, ‘unprecedented’ even – a word that has been used an unprecedented number of times! If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that life, the church and ministry, is all about people.
So, I guess the last seven years has been about making a difference, about the privilege of serving people, about sharing their lives and mostly about sharing the good news of a God who sent his Son into our world.
So, what thought can I leave you with? Well,
I am a Minister, called to serve God, a God
who is all about people. He cares about our relationships with one another, he cares about our highs and our lows, and the inbetween times. In fact, he cares about every detail of our lives and also the ‘bigger’ picture of life. The most famous verse in the Bible sums it all up pretty well, “God so loved the world (that means all people) that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
So, to all those reading this article, I wish you God’s richest blessings.
seven years?
 April 3rd April 10th
April 15th April 17th April 24th
10.30am Morning Service
10.30am Communion Service Palm Sunday
10.30am Special Service Good Friday
10.30am All-Age Family Service Easter Sunday
10.30am All-Age Family Service The Hussains’ Final Sunday
For any more information please email us on
Don’t forget the series of video reflections by our minister Mat Hussain are still available on our website.
Also, please don’t forget, if you would like to speak to anyone or would like us to pray for you or your family, then please do get in touch using our prayer request contact form on the website:

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