Page 28 - Oundle Life March 2024
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                                  adjudicators to confirm timings, contacting entrants who have requested the official accompanist, getting music to the accompanists, sorting paperwork for pupils not entered by schools – a legal requirement under the Children and Young Persons Act 1963
– and very importantly, contacting our volunteers about which day or days they may be available to help.
Incidentally, if you would be interested in helping, please let us know as soon as possible and you could shadow somebody this year to find out more. Our volunteers are absolutely
vital for the smooth
running of each day.
This year we have tried
very hard to encourage individual Junior entries
for Speech and Drama,
an area that has seen a
steady decline over the past
20 years. Did we succeed? Unfortunately, not this time. But
there’s always next year...!
We would love to welcome you to any of our
sessions. There is no admission charge, but we are always happy to receive cash or card
donations. Details of each day’s sessions and venues can be found on our website: www.
Our Festival Concert takes place
on Saturday 30th March at 7pm in St. Peter’s Church. Tickets cost £7.50 and can be bought at the door on the night or during the Festival sessions. This is
an opportunity to listen to some of the highlights, including the Young
Singer and the final of our Young Musician competition,
sponsored by The Arts Society Oundle.
We hope to see you during the Festival!
For more information

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