Page 55 - 103RA 2018-20
P. 55

                                Regimental Journal 2018-20
   In Memory
As with life normally, the Regiment has had its sadness over the last few years with the deaths of some of our Soldiers. It was my privilege to be able to conduct the funerals of 2 of our regi- mental family; Paul Whittle and Clint Pye, both funerals were well attended by the Regiment and I was very proud of all the contributions that people made at both services.
Regimental life has certainly had its ups and downs but throughout my
time I have had the privilege to care for the Religious, Pastoral and Spiritual needs and the Regiment. A service that is at times not always easy but I do say always satisfying. This year has been a year of developing new skills. Technology and I do not always get on well together but as I write this also in preparation is our first regimental ‘Remembrance Sunday’ Service via Zoom. I am sure it will be as memorable as other events in 103 Regiment RA.
  Sgt Clint Pye
Cpl Paul Whittle
music. One of the gunners who was on the promotions course sang a solo and there was not a dry eye in the house. A service that will go down in history as an example of all of 103RA working together and being a family.
Another outstanding memory for me was to drive the Land Rover off road, as you will see from the photo, I enjoyed the experience. Thank you to the instructor who took his own life in his hands and allowed me to take the Land Rover up The Horseshoe and back down. An experience you only get in the Army.
In the 6 years I have been Padre I have conducted and participated in various services. From official Church services as 208 Battery received the Freedom of the City in Liverpool to informal services; taking a small remembrance service for the Scouts in a graveyard to commemo- rate Cyril Gourley who was a VC recipient.
There are yearly engagements that are interspersed within the calendar for the Regiment and the wider regimental family. From the ‘Irish Parade’ for 208 Battery in March through to the Christmas Service held at 216 Battery in December. Sadly, this year none of these ‘yearly’ events happened due to COVID restrictions but be assured you continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

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