Page 13 - The Light Dragoon Vol. 8 No. 2
P. 13
The Regimental Journal of The Light Dragoons
One of the rare days of sun on Ex Wessex Storm enjoyed by LCpl Gordon, LCpl Leen and Tpr Comber
suppress the enemy from the home bank until the bridge was denied. Some low level training followed the CALFEX prior to the start of Mission Zero with the troops morale improved by the SQMS team, ably led by SSgt Thomson, supplying the sqn with ample burgers and pop.
The next two weeks were non-stop. A mixture of advance to screens, delays and raids kept the squadron on their toes, con- tributing to the battlegroup validating as combat ready. The optimisation phase of the exercise let the squadron really oper- ate as a Light Cavalry sub unit should; operating at significant reach and using new training estate to gather intelligence and strike C2 nodes across the south-west of England and into Wales. The sight of Jackals moving at pace, at all hours, along civilian roads, through quiet villages and significant urban conurbations (Bath) came as a surprise to the civilian popula- tion but was an excellent training experi- ence. Coupled with FUP’s in farm shop car parks and ‘engine trouble’ at service sta- tions on the M4, it was an exercise unlike any Wessex Storm that had gone before. As a final hurrah, the squadron deployed 36 hours ahead of the BG to find the enemy on Sennybridge Training Area. Well inside 2 SCOTS OODA loop, elements of the squadron took great pleasure in passing enemy vehicles on the A40 and infiltrating onto the exercise area before the enemy were established. Whilst experimenting with recce by fire didn’t go exactly to plan
12A in overwatch on Ex Wessex Storm
– over half the squadron was destroyed in the space of an hour – the Empire was still able to find and report on enemy activ- ity, setting the conditions for the final raid. Alongside Lt Griffiths utilising Tpr Slade’s tree surgery skills to occupy an OP, literally up a tree, A Sqn marked the FUP for C Sqn and 2 LANCS to attack the enemy CBRN node. The success of this attack marked ENDEX for the regiment and a return to Knook Camp.
Following Wessex Storm 3rd Troop under Lt Griffiths and Sgt Monaher deployed to Poland with C Squadron on Ex. Defender 22 – with their recent Wessex Storm expe- rience the troop thoroughly enjoyed them- selves on this major multinational exer- cise, topped off with some AT and cultural visits to Krakow. At the same time, the usual routine of support to experimenta- tion and training tasks returned with sol- diers from the squadron deployed on all manner of essential tasks in support of the field army. The squadron said goodbye to a number of individuals in this period. Sgt Abbott left on posting to be a PSI at
Ex Galloping Dragoon
D Sqn, the Queen’s Own Yeomanry. SSgt Thomson promoted and assumed the role of SSM B Sqn, taking his BBQ expertise with him. Capt Alderman was posted to Belize as the Ops Officer to be replaced as 2IC by Lt Jefferis, while Lt Innes left the Empire to take up a position at the Grantham Phase 1 training establishment. The squadron also welcomed 2Lt’s Sophie Hare and Dave Emanuel, whilst the SQMS position was filled by SSgt Cheshire. With SSgt Cheshire promptly departing on his SQMS course, Sgt Thurtle ably stepped up from SHQ Tp Sgt to cover the gap.
The summer term revolved around regimental AT and the LD30 weekend. Deploying for a week to Halton Training Camp in the Lake District, the squadron undertook a round robin of AT activi- ties in late June with everyone having the chance to try their hand at hill walking, rock climbing, mountain biking and ghyll scrambling (jumping down streams in the hills). A thoroughly enjoyable week, indi- viduals were pushed outside their comfort zones in at least one of the disciplines and
LCpl Gordon flying the A Squadron flag on Ex Defender 22
Keeping eyes on 2 SCOTS
Lt ‘Worzel Gummidge’ Griffiths on Ex Wessex Storm