Page 14 - The Light Dragoon Vol. 8 No. 2
P. 14

                                The Regimental Journal of The Light Dragoons
    The Emperor flying without wings
    The ‘A Team’ on Regimental AT
each evening allowed for the squadron to bond in a more relaxed environment. LCpl Gordon ran the final nights entertainment, delivering a...questionable...quiz whilst the chefs served up a top notch BBQ. On return to Gaza, focus switched to prepar- ing for LD30, in particular ensuring that the parade was up to scratch. Gone was the simple marching on and off the square; this parade would be reminiscent of Trooping the Colour/Sandhurst commissioning parades. Two ranks into three at the halt, changing direction left on the march, left forms and advances in review order; after weeks of literally marching up and down the square the squadron, and indeed the regiment, were performing drill to a stand- ard that would make a guardsman jealous. LD30 went off without a hitch and was
Lt Griffiths concentrating on staying in step
LCpl Newcombe enjoying ghyll scrambling
 a thoroughly enjoyable day for everyone involved. Members of the squadron led by SSM Costello departed on the LD Battlefield Study to Normandy, whilst a number of other indi-
viduals led by the OC departed on a trawl to support the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo over the summer.
On return from summer leave/ Edinburgh, Ex Galloping Dragoon was swiftly upon
the squadron. Deploying to Galloway Forest, the Empire conducted a period of squad- ron level training to shape a squadron of relatively inex- perienced junior drivers and operators into a sub unit ready
to conduct a force on force exercise against C Squadron, The Legion. Partnered with
the Queen’s Own Yeomanry,
the exercise was a good run
out for The Empire having
not operated in role since Wessex Storm at the start of the year. Sgt Thurtle stepped up as Squadron 2IC whilst Lt Jefferis was on JOTAC, perform- ing well in role and keeping the OC reined in. The SQMS proved that his predecessor wasn’t the only one to have
a monopoly on decent
BBQs, with the ‘Empire
Eatery’ throwing out
its new and improved
Empire Burger. Such
was the high standard of
The Eatery that the QOY
and even The Legion ended
up contributing handsomely to The Empire’s squadron subs pot. An enjoyable exercise was had
SSgt Cheshire making sure his GSR still fits

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