Page 27 - The Light Dragoon Vol. 8 No. 2
P. 27

                                Half a job, half a job, half a job onward, into the morale workshop rode the forty-odd. “Work harder the LAD! Be more ready!” he said. Into the morale workshop rode the forty-odd.
The usual introduction to the Light Aid Detachment’s journal article talks about the department being “put through its paces,” which unsurprisingly applies to 2022. This year has seen the LAD sup- port the regiment on Ex Wessex Storm, Ex Defender, Ex Khanjar Oman, Ex Galloping Dragoon, Op INTERFLEX and maintain unit readiness.
Ex Wessex Storm saw the LAD deploy in support of the BG with no second-line support. Essentially functioning as a work- shop, the team maintained an equipment availability of 95% throughout. This was no mean feat as Capt Wreathall was, from no choice of his own, drawn in to creat- ing schematics for Maj Thirlaway for the 6-week deployment. Rearward in the tight- knit tactical bubble of A2, policed by Capt Bell, WO1 Tran and his team (including SSgt X, rarely pictured) worked tirelessly around the clock to ensure the battlegroup’s momentum could be upheld from an equip- ment combat effectiveness perspective.
Post Ex Wessex Storm and Mr Putin’s untimely invasion of Ukraine saw C Sqn deploy east to Poland on Ex Defender. With the Sqn came the most Para fitter section outside of 16X. SSgt Warren and Sgt Fairs led a composite team of REME tradespeople supporting the road move through Europe followed by a high-intensity exercise. Again, maintaining very high combat effec- tiveness, the exercise was successful and all returned with only a couple of international incident near-misses to account for.
After a successful two-year assignment which saw Capt Wreathall deploy to Mali, support regimental activity and deadlift, he handed the baton of Officer Commanding the Light Dragoons Light Aid Detachment
A Jackal can’t be on its roof, it doesn’t have one
to Capt Curtis in May 2022. With the injection of some era-defining leadership into the LAD, Capt Curtis delved straight into Maj Cuthbertson’s heart, irritat- ing him daily on why he hadn’t received orders. Of course, with a new OC LAD, comes the compulsory development from the Late-Entry Officers. This was most notable on Ex Galloping Dragoon where Statler (Maj Cuthbertson) and Waldorf (Capt O’Connor) reminded him daily over a scotch pie bun that a Jackal cannot be on its roof if it doesn’t have one.
A further success this year was the Armourer support to Op INTERFLEX. SSgt Chamberlain-Junior (Titler) organ- ised a bespoke foreign weapons course with Leeds Armouries. This course enabled twelve Armourers from across the Army to qualify in inspecting AK47s and therefore support the training of Ukrainian Armed Forces. The uplift of twelve qualified per- sonnel is no mean feat as it uplifted the Field Army’s capability by 50%.
Next up was the support to Ex Khanjar Oman where the croc-wearing poster boy of B Sqn fitter section and his team deliv- ered first-line ES to the exercise. SSgt Ham took Capt Turner under his wing and brought him down from 50,000 feet on multiple occasions; regularly reminding him “it’ll all be okay Sir; you’ll be in Qatar soon.” The exercise tested the section due to the lack of ES Material and the varying terrain presented a challenge to maintain-
WO1 Tran, Cpl Brown and SSgt X
ing equipment availability. Alongside sup- port to the Sqn, the team also completed the annual ‘Lifting the Decks’ mental and physical health challenge, a commendable effort in the heat!
Last but not least, it is important to men- tion the outreach, cohesion, and reten- tion activity the LAD has maintained this year. On 1 Oct 22, the REME had its 80th Birthday (50 years older than the Light Dragoons) and the LAD celebrated this in the usual fashion. A gun run, engineering challenge, quiz and curry lunch followed by a few refreshments in the LAD lounge. This event was shared with the 5Med LAD and saw Cpl Holmes unsurprisingly tuck into his third portion of curry before the Cfn had finished their first. Other activ- ity has included STEM outreach events in Newcastle, Brigade leadership days and seven personnel attend Ex Supreme Glacier in Stubai.
Following an excellent year comes another busy forecast of events. The LAD will be supporting the regiment on Castlemartin ranges, the OC LAD will high five the ASM and disappear off to Ex Askari Storm and then the big-ticket item. Sgt Beevers and his team of merry Recovery Mechanics will be tested when the LD Battlegroup drives to Estonia and back for Ex Spring Storm. All fun and games!
The Regimental Journal of The Light Dragoons
 Light Aid Detachment
     Cpl Holmes getting his third serving
SSgt Crocs putting his 3-Star Commendation to good use
Arte et Party

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