Page 28 - The Light Dragoon Vol. 8 No. 2
P. 28

                                2022 began in the best way possible, deployed on Catterick Training Area to conduct Combined Arms Staff Trainer (CAST) ahead of Ex WESSEX STORM. This was a great opportunity for those who went to Mali to spin dits about the ally Ops and the heat (at least something could keep them warm). Despite the dits, CAST was a roaring success, thanks to the hard work of all those who deployed and helped set the bar for the WESSEX STORM onslaught that was to come.
WESSEX STORM was especially good this year, coinciding with two storms – Malik and Corrie. This helped not only test all the members of Comd Tp but also highlight just how well drilled they are. For the 7 weeks deployed out of Knook Camp for the relief of a woodblock, Comd Tp dug in and CHoC’ed their way across the area. Led by RSO, Capt Rudd (hiding away in Alt), RSWO, WO2 Hirst, BSM, SSgt Garsrud and Comd Tp Sgt Metcalfe, Comd Tp was highlighted by the CO and 4X for its best practice across the Exercise. Special men- tion must go to the hard work by all mem- bers of Comd Tp, especially LCpl (then) Brown who received a Commanders’ coin for his all-round effort and expertise over the Ex. Another shout out should be given to LCpl Gotts and his expert route selec- tion, Maj Thirlaway was quick to ensure it was just a routine test of the aquatic capa- bilities of the Land Rover (pictured).
The end of WESSEX STORM saw Comd Tp sent to support the regiment and wider taskings, with the largest of these being Op INTERFLEX. As always, Comd Tp was at the very centre of the Regiments’ main effort, aiding every task on camp in order to facilitate the training. INTERFLEX didn’t just consume the main focus of Comd Tp, it also meant that key members had to move jobs in order to fill other roles, with WO2 Hirst becoming HQ SSM and Sgt Metcalfe moving to cover HQ SQMS.
Command Troop
Example of some of the laughs we have in Comd Tp.
As has already been highlighted this was a very busy six months which was dealt with incredibly well by all the members of Comd Tp. Capt Montgomery-Stuart jumped into the RSO seat over this pro- tracted period using the same handover notes which had been carefully “scripted” by Capt’s Johnson, Quicke and Rudd (with little to no changes from Capt Johnson’s original).
Using Army logic, we then had Sgt Connor sent on Crew Commanders (finally), Cpl Black on RSI’s, Cpl Liddle to 77X and later in the year, Cpl Brown on Ex KHANJAR OMAN. Capt Montgomery-Stuart also completed the arduous RSO’s course (not that his presence was missed) and Sgt Connor also fought off a long line of other candidates to be able to attend, fail and then pass the CBRN Controllers Course.
There was still some fun to be had through this busy period, and as usual the BSM took any chance available to get out of the office. Both SSgt Garsrud and Tpr Taylor deployed on the Battlefield Study to
Cpl Black testing the new PPE
Normandy, and LCpl Munt was selected to go on the Cricket Tour.
The last major task of the year for Comd Tp was Ex GALLOPING DRAGOON, staffing the safety net function. To the delight of many members of Comd Tp it involved rarely leaving the relative safety of the CP due to the many ongoing com- mitments for the Regiment.
Comd Tp says goodbye to a number of personnel, Cpl Differ posted to Bovington, as well as Cpl Marsh, LCpl Tansley, Tprs Pettifer and Drake, who are all either out or soon to be leaving the Army. We wish them all the best and thank them for the hard work and time shared within Comd Tp.
Finally, as 2022 comes to a close, Comd Tp has had another incredibly successful year in what has been difficult and busy cir- cumstances. Comd Tp can look forward to next year with plenty of challenges, good training opportunities and time away on the cards.
The Regimental Journal of The Light Dragoons
           CBRN fun and games
WO2 Hirst gonking
LCpl Gotts and Maj Thirlaway’s testing HMS bean tin

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