Page 30 - The Light Dragoon Vol. 8 No. 2
P. 30

                                Serving alongside the Light Dragoons is as busy as it is rewarding. It has been another year of high-tempo activity, some
of it planned for and some not. After suc- cessfully validating through Ex Wessex Storm at the start of 2022 the regiment has now entered a period of high readiness in support of wherever there is a demand for the Long-Range Reconnaissance capabil- ity it provides.
The structural changes to the detachment’s workforce have now been implemented and we have sought to exploit the advan- tages that having a fuller central admin- istration ‘hub’ affords, as well as ensuring our MPAs employed in the Sqns are pro- vided with the early supervision and men- toring required to succeed.
The detachment has welcomed some new members in the year to date, Lt (now Capt) Calum Stewart arrived at the end of 2021, followed by Pte Liam Fenn fresh from Phase 2 training and Cpl Una Vakacegu from the RTR. All have integrated fully and are now part of the regimental fam- ily. Further new arrivals will follow in the coming weeks with Sgt Paul Clemerson assigned in for the departing Sgt Paul Melvin (who is on his way to Army HQ as PA to the Army Sgt Maj, well deserved!) and SSgt Kate Lawless into the currently gapped FSA role. Sgt Carl Atherton and Cpl Harrison Jones transitioned to civilian life after 24 and 12 years-service respec- tively. Both excellent ambassadors to the Corps.
It’s been a successful year in respect of pro- motions. We have congratulated, and said farewell, to SSgt Mandy Ross who recently took up post as RAWO of 2 Bn MI. LCpl
Sara McColl, Pte Naithan Lee and Pte Jordan Hackles were all recognised for their excellent performances and selected for promotion in 2022.
Op INTERFLEX has been the regiment’s main effort since late June, the SPS detach- ment has been at the fore in providing Pers Admin, G1 & G8 support, be that captur- ing personnel data during RSOI at South Cerney, delivering an accurate, yet sensi- tive, OPLOC process at Wathgill Camp or through activities aimed at maintaining the moral component.
The FoE for early 2023 is yet to be con- firmed, but it is highly likely that we will not be sat idle, Eastern Europe, Central and West Africa all possible destinations.
LD30 Dinner Night RAO & RAWO
Exercise Wessex Storm (Ex WS)
In January 2022 the Light Dragoon’s deployed on Ex WS on Salisbury Plain. This demanding exercise is conducted to confirm that the regiment was prepared to take its place as a Very High Readiness (VHR) unit, able to project at short notice to anywhere in the world and deliver Defence outputs.
The exercise offered an excellent oppor- tunity for the SPS detachment to take the pre-exercise lessons received in barracks and test them in the field. The iHub team, led by the Det Comd, deployed alongside BGHQ and were thoroughly tested in aus- tere conditions and rapidly changing sce- narios. They were most definitely required to adapt their approach and seek out more agile methods of providing information management solutions.
Other members of the detachment deployed in some familiar and less familiar roles, such as ambulance drivers, watch- keepers and working in support of RLS functions.
In June the unit received orders to estab- lish a Training Delivery Unit (TDU) for OP INTERFLEX. The mission was to provide training to partner forces to increase their survivability and success in warfighting.
The RAO, Sergeant Nicola Bradder and Corporal James Cheetham were the pri- mary support at TDU Wathgill, with the rest of the team leaning in to provide res- pite and gain experience.
The task at hand was emotive and sensi- tive and required an approach befitting of the scenario. Cpl Cheetham has delivered
The Regimental Journal of The Light Dragoons
 Regimental Admin Office

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