Page 35 - The Light Dragoon Vol. 8 No. 2
P. 35
The Regimental Journal of The Light Dragoons
was excellent and he planned and executed in line with the intent, so ‘tick VG’.
Like any new team I set new challenges. The main priority has been re-focusing how we conduct our training from both an external allocation and internal assur- ance perspective. The TWWO’s PESTS programme (Priceys Endeavour to re- Structure Training Systems) was rolled out in two tranches and has confirmed that Sqn 2ICs should spend more time on their computers managing their people, and less time skiing or whatever the latest craze is. As part of the programme, we focussed on modernisation. In a bid to save the planet, we reduced the huge amount of paper- work produced, whilst collectively coming to terms with MUSTER and some of the more advanced applications, that are game changers to productivity. Pre-courses have been reinvigorated by Sgt Beardshaw and the increase in tempo, and new focus, has re-energised all members of the team - to the point the RGSS has been seen in his office past 1500hrs on more than one occa- sion. The backbone for everything we strive to achieve follows my thread that if we aren’t educating, assuring or data cap- turing we aren’t delivering an output for success.
As the year draws to a close and Op INTERFLEX is handed over, the team switch fire and start to focus on 2023. We kick off with a bang, straight into a mounted and dismounted Regimental range package in Castlemartin post the XMAS standdown. Sequentially driver
Trg Officer discussing Individual Training Requirements with the old boys
and commander courses for all of our plat- forms and the usual career and mandated course schedule kicks in with no rest bite. Finally, it’s with a heavy heart to announce we will see the departure of the TWWO to pastures new. Pricey will move on to, quite literally, be driving a tractor in Norfolk, for which I, and the team, wish him and the family all the best, and hope he remains an active veteran. As one door closes another opens. I’m confident SSgt Dinsley will step up to the plate, taking both TWWO &
RDMI in his stride. To wrap up what has been a positive and rewarding year, rest assured that the next one we will continue to evolve and showcase our skills in sup- port of all Squadrons in all training activi- ties. I am cognisant that myself and other personalities will move on over the next twelve months and am also confident that ‘busy’ will remain the ongoing norm.
PNCO cadre with the boss