Page 37 - The Light Dragoon Vol. 8 No. 2
P. 37
Ithink it would be unfair to start by stat- ing how busy we have been as a depart- ment this year when in comparison we have had a steadier pace compared to our colleagues across the Regiment deployed on Op INTERFLEX or those in B Sqn who have been deployed in Oman.
September saw the addition of Sgt Richardson who has taken over the reins of the RDS Sgt, or as Sgt “Tier 3” Rae calls it “The Sheriff of Gaza barracks”. If I am completely honest, I prefer “RSM Deputy”, but it’s not really catching.
Gone are the days of the Provo Staff having enough soldiers to staff a dismounted recce patrol (that’s six individuals for some of the old and bold). Instead, we have fallen in line with the LDs “streamlined effi- ciency programme” which states that each service person should look to take on the workload of at least 5 pax in order to free up the much-needed cash to tailor make SSgt Brewer’s virtus helmet.
Although I know many of the old Provost will be reading this thinking “hew man it was a pure gift like I dint nah what he’s
What another successful year it’s been within the gymnasium and all that the gym supports. This year the gym has had some extensive upgrades to further support the delivery of the APTS and give all SP of the LDs the ability to train specific to tasks as well as complimenting their personal training.
The total cost of the uplifts was approxi- mately £150,000. This funded a re-flooring of the gym, astro turf strips, a large beaver- fit setup, skill mills, ski ergs, assault bikes, dumbbells, kettlebells...and more still to come! The uplift has been well supported across The Regiment and this has been demonstrated by the increased footfall in the evenings of SP conducting their own personal training.
The gymnasium has also introduced the new Iron Dragoon competition. Much
on aboot”, things have changed since I was a “youngen”. The days of standing outside the Naafi in Swanton Morely checking for issued socks to fraudulently award the defaulter a punishment of buying the fin- est biscuits the camp shop had to offer and delivering them to the brass feet outside the Guardroom, are gone. If you ask me Sgt Pollock and Cpl Mallinson were run- ning a very successful biscuit business on the side, but that’s just speculation.
The Regimental Duty Staff as it is now called, still has an enforcer in the shape of LCpl Davison who is probably the hardest Jud the regiment has seen, or at least the strongest!
In all seriousness our workload this year has been exactly what you would expect from the RDS Staff – quality assur- ance around barracks, keeping on top of standards where possible, especially dress and vehicle parking and ensuring the Immediate Reaction Force are adhering to their orders.
The workplace induction programme has also been rewritten, with the aim of deliv-
The Gymnasium
like the old 300 club for the PFA, the Iron Dragoon is a score-based competition in which SP must achieve a minimum score of 84 out of 90 points across all 6 elements of the SCR (Soldier Conditioning Review). Whilst 84 points is a hard score to achieve, it is very much achievable and aimed at the top 1% of the regiment. As it stands, only Capt Turner and Sgt Waters of B Sqn have achieved this feat! However, there will be more in the near future.
I can’t talk about the gym and not men- tion Bismarck Challenge! The Bismarck Challenge is a 4x4 mile relay race carrying 15kg. The competition was started in 2019 as part of a 1XX competition and the Light Dragoons have won it every year without exception. This year was so close to a clean sweep for all the teams. Our male and female teams placed first overall, whilst our mixed team was placed second but only by
The RDS Enforcers
ering new arrivals to their respective Sqns as ready as possible. Amongst others, this has included completing mundane tasks such as driver training records, secu- rity checks, passport applications, objec- tives/aspirations and ensuring they have received their Covid-19 immunisations. It is a tough job, but somebody has to do it. The feedback from the Sqns thus far has been positive and I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Cpl Wilkinson and LCpl Davison for their continued hard work this year.
Our First Iron Dragoon
a minute. 2023 will be another year where we can continue to showcase our domi- nance at a very prestigious competition.
The Regimental Journal of The Light Dragoons
Regimental Duty Staff
Gymnasium pre uplift
Gymnasium post uplift
Bismarck Champions 2022