Page 39 - The Light Dragoon Vol. 8 No. 2
P. 39
The Regimental Journal of The Light Dragoons
RCMO on a future recruitment drive for the year 2039!
in February and then an internal board to decide the two new RQ’s and other WO2 appointments.
Outside of promotions we have had sol- diers perform well on various boards with selection for the PET and selection for the RMAS Instructor cadre as well. As part of the role as the RCMO and with my trusty assistant, we will be intending to visit as many of our soldiers at ERE with a planned visit to Bovington at the begin- ning of 2023. This will be a good opportu- nity to have an unofficial careers chat with our soldiers to help them see where their futures lie beyond their current ERE post- ing and to also offer that reassurance that they are never forgotten.
As an RDG Officer in my 3rd year away from RD, even I understand the impor- tance of a phone call/email/visit from someone from my parent unit. So, on cur- rent planning, Sgt Allen and I will be visit-
ing some of our soldiers who are currently based in Jamaica, Ibiza and Australia. Honest Col, we really do have soldiers needing careers advice in these locations!
Over the next year we will see a reduction in our size as we continue to implement the staffing figures from the Integrated Review. In theory, only another 10 person- nel to drop (mainly covered by VO NTT), but this then varies across the ranks with additional SSgt space, reduced Sgt space and the loss of a WO PID. It could be an interesting year in how we fill this and naturally how the SNCOs play their role in the reshuffle. Looking ahead, I don’t see the implementation of this as too great a concern. I’m more interested with the addition of a Canadian Officer that we’re supposed to be gaining!
As usual, there is a steady outflow of sol- diers wishing to end their military careers and move into those magical jobs as truck
Retention and RHQ morale dog; Spike
drivers earning well above £40,000. Not a bad wage for a soldier in their early 20’s with no HGV experience! Joking aside, I have and will continue to offer advice and guidance and signpost soldiers as they go through the transition to civvy street. Because, after all, they are still part of the LDs family and we all have a responsibil- ity to try and get the best out of each other; no matter our chosen path.
So, into 2023 we go and as an honorary Light Dragoon my door will always be open to help anyone as they go forward in their careers. I look forward to building stronger connections to ensure I get the best out of this assignment for myself, but more importantly for the Light Dragoon soldier’s careers and future wishes. May 2023 bring us more promotions, greater opportunities for development and most importantly, success and happiness regard- less of our role.
Naive children believing the RCMO that Army rations are amazing