Page 12 - 1RHA 2023
P. 12

1st Regiment Royal Horse Artillery
E Battery Lt A J Wicking RHA
    This year has been framed by E Battery’s deployment to Estonia on Op CABRIT 12. Since last year’s journal, the Bat- tery has been held at readiness for the UK Standby Bat- talion (UKSB) and then deployed on mission ready training in the UK and Germany, in preparation to join the NATO Enhanced Forward Prescence (eFP) Battle Group in Estonia. The Battery has taken the opportunity to pursue lines of development and work to create and perfect new, more efficient ways of meeting the contemporary threat. The Battery has performed to a high standard throughout, receiving praise from the Combined Readi- ness Training Centre (Germany) and numerous members of the Battery have been awarded with commendations at Brigade and Battlegroup level.
After a busy summer period, E Battery were ready to begin their rotation on UKSB. Fearing a post-COVID wave of flooding, civil unrest and the Winter Flu, the Battery were stood by to assist where required. For added complexity, amongst a myriad of other taskings, Shiny E were deep into the preparation for Ex CYPHER DAGGER. The usual BK-rousing topics of vehicle maintenance, comms plans and readiness became all encompassing, with a busy 6 weeks of wrench turning, track bashing and spreadsheet filling ahead for all. E Battery deployed with the rest of the Regi- ment on Ex CYPHER DAGGER on 17th October 2022, the first step on the road to Estonia. Ex CYPHER DAGGER saw E Bat- tery deploy onto Salisbury Plain for 2 weeks. In the first week, the Gun Group conducted the battle craft syllabus, covering non-standard deployments and the defence of the gun position amongst other things, whilst the Tac Group conducted their own hunter/killer training. The battle craft syllabus was finished with a perilous rolling replen, whereby the Gun Group was nobly led through an inky Salisbury Plain night by its greenest of CPOs, who managed to make it 99% of the way to the leaguer, before becoming navigationally challenged, much to the chagrin of the ARO. Professional embarrassment aside, the CPOs were given an opportunity for redemption, as during the second phase of the exercise, E Battery conducted its first live firing package since the Covid-19 pandemic. The Battery built up from standard mis- sions to direct fire and then onto FST fire plans to achieve TQCC. Despite the wind trying it’s hardest to derail the Battery’s attempt at coordinated illumination, this live firing package saw the Tac Group and Gun Group working in unison to hone and develop
their craft before upcoming integration into the Queen’s Royal Hussars’ Battlegroup.
E Battery marked its 228th Birthday on the 1st of November. The Battery celebrated with a true test of gladiatorial spirit and guile, through an inter-troop Dodgeball tournament. The day was rounded off by a Battery games’ night and quiz, hosted in the WO and Sergeants’ Mess, accompanied by some questionable Kara- oke from WO2 (BSM) Heggie and promotions for LBdrs Dube and Wilson. Refreshed from the Battery Birthday, E Battery were ready to take part in the Regimental Sports Competition, the Moore Trophy. With a win on penalties in the final of the football and a 1st Place finish in the Warrior Fitness event, E Battery took home the coveted prize.
This respite was limited, as mere weeks after recovering from Ex CYPHER DAGGER, the most technically and mechanically astute of the Battery deployed to Athlone Barracks, Paderborn to begin the Fleet Activation for Ex TALLINN DAWN. The maelstrom of equipment care saw the BK’s crack team take over a fleet of vehi- cles including AS90s, Bulldogs, Warriors and more, in prepara- tion for them to be use in the months ahead. They were joined by the Tac group in mid-November, who deployed to Normandy Barracks, Sennelager to undertake the Ex TALLINN DAWN Com- bined Simulated Tactical Training Exercise. This saw the BC’s TAC, 3 FSTs, a JFC, the TACP and a small ACS LOCON, conduct the planning and execute functions, both in a deployed Battle Group HQ and the simulators, in the first time that the QRH Battle Group had come together. Once the Fleet Activation and CSTTX had been completed the Battery returned to Larkhill for a training wash up including CBRN, BCD and EOD. The Battery also took to Bulford Ranges in the week before Christmas leave to under- take a GPMG ACMT. Interspersed between the “rat-a-tat-tat” of 7.62mm ammunition disturbing the housing of resident fieldmice, the Battery engaged in the festive cheer and held an intertroop “Carol-off”, which was won by Salamanca Troop, adding to their merriment before some well-earned leave.
On 2nd January, bright eyed and bushy tailed after New Year’s festivities, the Battery was once again on coaches bound for Ger- many. Returning to Normandy Barracks, E Battery were to join the Ex TALLINN DAWN MRX, again testing the planning and
 E Bty on Ex Cypher Dagger 22

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