Page 48 - 1RHA 2023
P. 48
The 1 RHA TOW team had a very successful season with team and individual triumphs and recognition. With the Regiment deployed on operations, training and keeping a consistent squad was challenging, but it did allow us to blood new members setting the foundation for more success in the future.
The Gunners Pull competition saw 1RHA combine forces with 14th Regiment Royal Artillery (14 RA). With little training prior, the nerves were running high within the team and the 1RHA contin- gent including, Sgt Adade, Sgt Broatch, LBdr Dorset, Gnr Chap- man-Winters, Gnr Hadley and Gnr Harris were able to win four trophies, which now sit proudly in 1 RHA RHQ. A great effort from a team thrown together with two days training.
Sgt Broatch, LBdr Birkett, Gnr Chapman-Winters and Gnr Hadley were then selected to represent the RA in the Inter-Corp Cham- pionships, all receiving their RA TOW colours. The RA team trav- elled to 9 RLC, Chippenham where they would compete against six other cap badges. After a gruelling day pulling in extreme heat and sunburn experienced by Gnr Hadley the RA team prevailed winning 1st place in every weight class.
Next in the TOW calendar was the Inter-Services, Sgt Broatch and Gnr Hadley were lucky enough to be selected for this and the Army Ladies team simultaneously. Relentlessly training with the ladies and males’ teams on weekdays and weekends saw the pair add value to the Army Ladies Teams. The ladies won gold in the Inter-Services and came second in the 540KG weigh class for the National competition meaning they achieved selection for Team England.
With Team England came even more gruelling training to get the ladies into athlete shape. Capt Wyatt (formerly of 1RHA LAD) delivered the morning rope technique and endurance sessions resulting in repeated ten-minute rope holds with the beloved “bungee”. Sgt Turner (32 RA) then took great pleasure in deliver- ing the afternoon EMOM, HIIT and AMWRAP circuits leaving the ladies exhausted but well prepared for gruelling competition.
All the pain, hunger and travelling were worth it, as the ladies were able to compete in the World TOW Championships Sur- see, Switzerland gaining 3rd place as Team Army Ladies and 4th place as Team England.
1st Regiment Royal Horse Artillery
Tug of War Sgt Broatch O (HQ) Bty