Page 30 - RADC Bulletin 2018
P. 30

LCpl Wilson RADC
In December 2017, a team of AMS personnel took part in Exercise Nordic Serpent in Gala, Norway. The team consisted of Maj Armstrong RADC, Maj Wooldridge RADC, Maj Davies RADC, LCpl Wilson RADC and Maj Coulson RAMC.
The exercise lasted 2 weeks and consisted of learning the basics to Nordic skiing. During our time in Gala we learned how to classic ski and skate ski as well as complete a 5km Nordic race by the end of the exercise.
During the first week, we learned the basic technique of Nordic skiing and how
to look after our skis and kit. Our instructor helped us practice the movements in the corridor before taking it into the snow where
we glided up and down the tracks. We learned a bit of skate skiing, which looked easier than it was in practice as it took a lot of lower body strength to push forward. It was like ice-skating with skis on!
In the second week, we combined the skills we had learned and went out on long ski trips, some days skiing up to 17km,
as well as competing in a 5km Nordic ski race against other ski teams in the AMS. Nordic skiing requires a lot of stamina and endurance, the same as running, the only difference is that it’s on skis rather than in trainers. The 5km race was challenging to get up and down the hills on skis. We had to make sure that our skis had the correct amount of wax on them, too much and you slide around everywhere, too little and you
stick to the snow!
During our time in Gala the temperature
was freezing with it dropping to as low as -18 degrees which meant packing extra warm kit and making sure we worked harder, by double polling faster to get a sweat on, to keep ourselves warm. The best part was, after a long day skiing, coming indoors for a hot chocolate and to warm up again.
The experience in Norway was one to remember and something that I personally enjoyed taking part in. If you are someone who likes a challenge and want to get physically fitter I highly recommend Nordic skiing.
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subject to discuss with your children, but online safety is essential in this technology
Although your child might have little interest in social media, online gaming
can lead to talking to strangers online. If possible, disconnect your child’s games console from the internet so that they cannot play with people they do not know.
driven era. When discussing online safety, you should aim to inform your children rather than scare them with stories we hear in the press. A good place to start is to ask them which social networks they use/would like
to use and if they know how to make their profiles private. It is important to ensure that your child’s social profiles are private so that strangers cannot see pictures of them or what they post about. Most social platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and Tumblr have an age restriction in place so your child must be at least 13 to join.
A lot of information is requested on sites such as Facebook and they ask for details such as your hometown, school, mobile number, Birthday, nicknames and films/tv series that you want to watch. Filling out this information is not essential so try to discourage your children from filling this out as it makes it easier for someone to create a fake account with, what seems like, the same things in common.
You should also make certain that your child is not friends with people that they do
While it may seem tempting to ban your child from social media completely, it is not a viable option as your child may be pressured into creating a profile when with friends etc. It is better to have an open discussion with your children about social media as they
are more likely to come to you with any problems they incur online than if they know they will get in trouble for having a profile
as they are more likely to keep problems to themselves. You should also discuss with your children how to block people or report pictures/comments that people post if they feel they are harmful. This should make
them feel more comfortable and that they do not need to see things that are upsetting to them.
Web safe? discussing online safety with your child
It may seem a daunting
not know on social media. Even if they have a friend that is talking to someone online, this does not mean that they are your child’s friend and should be avoided.
For more advice on discussing online safety, information can be found at www. children-safe/online-safety/
Beth Cowan
Welcome to your handy guide covering all types of schooling, from pre-school to adult education and eveything inbetween.
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