Page 35 - RADC Bulletin 2018
P. 35
Want to get involved?
Whether you’re a talented athlete, enthusiastic amateur or just looking to develop in a particular event (athletics or tug of war), please contact Maj Armstrong or Capt Blackwood for more information.
SSgt Beckett and Sgt Gotora
Millinship (also of 5AMR) stayed true to Team RADC by diligently knocking the high jump bar down for 5AMR during the competition! Elsewhere, Maj Gibbs (currently of 4AMR) tussled with Team RADC’s Maj Davies for the Dental Officer 5000m crown.
Finally, Maj Armstrong, although relegated to Team Captain for the day due to injury received RADC Half Colours for her contribution to athletics.
Tug of war
Across at the tug of war arena, real drama played out in one of the most exciting days of sporting competition the RADC have seen in a long time. Under the watchful eye of Coach Maj Findlay (borrowed from DMG North for the day), both teams excelled, building confidence, developing technique and learning to trust their rope skills in a display of inspiring performances which really demonstrated the RADC are a force to be reckoned with.
demonstrated extraordinary confidence
and stamina to wear down the opposition in the shape of DMG North and 34 Field Hospital in the early rounds. However, again the competition came to a head with a pull against 4AMR, where size and experience could not be matched this year.
Our bronze medallists conducted
a superb demonstration of grit and determination – roll on next year’s competition – 4AMR, we’re coming for you!
Team Support
Team support was impressive. RADC vests could be seen across the event and their wearers had plenty to shout about. Maj Sharp’s visit to the tug of war arena went down particularly well, where his extensive knowledge of RADC tug of war heritage, tactics and an impressive pair of lungs inspired our teams to pull together. Maj Porter (stand by Kate, we’ll get you in the
Sgt Stephenson striding out
Finally, a big thank you to CDO(A) Col Davies for his enduring support to the RADC team. Without his involvement during the build-up, and on the day, we could not have enabled so many of us to represent our Corps and have the opportunity to perform to our highest standard. “Be seen and be heard” were Col Davies words of motivation to Team RADC as we stepped up to compete. We definitely were. The rest of the AMS have taken notice...
Maj Davies
Maj Padgett-Duncan
Our men’s team
saw Maj McCammon
as anchor, Cpl Shaw,
LCpl Lewis (currently
of 4AMR but staying
true to Team RADC),
Cpl Chance, Sgt
Stephenson and
Cpl Gurung as front
man destroying the
opposition with an
epic display of physical and mental strength in the early stages of the competition against 1AMR and 16Med. However luck ran out with a draw against 4AMR, where 4AMR’s training regime (sighted earlier in the week attempting to pull a tree) and sheer size took glory in the end.
Our women’s team was fielded by LCpl Williams as anchor, LCpl Jones, LCpl Blankson, LCpl Greenfield, LCpl Marcus, LCpl Ferris and Cpl Aderi-Igbekoyi who
tug of war team next year), Maj Beales,
Col Richardson,
Col Harmer and of course Col Davies, all made an appearance to cheer; with Col Davies’ arrival at the tug of war arena made particularly memorable by his off-road drive across the field to
cheer alongside our surprised tug of war team mid-pull!
A huge well done and thank you goes out to all our athletes, who gave up their time to train, and displayed inspiring performances and team comradery throughout the event. Thank you also to Capt Blackwood who assisted with co-ordination of the team, without her dedicated work (and donuts!) we could not have fielded out athletes to the start line.
Both teams excelled, building confidence, developing technique and learning to trust their rope skills