Page 101 - Wish Stream Year of 2016
P. 101

We really want to encourage the habit of regular saving to help you start to build a nest egg for
the future. Saving helps develop good money management skills which in turn helps support your planning for bigger purchases like cars and holidays.
Research and experience tells us that your savings and investments are important as they help to secure your future AND protect against unforeseen expenses. Investing in an ISA is both tax e cient and a means of securing a better future for yourself and for any children you may have.
The savings habit is proven to help you improve your  nancial behaviours and is a key ingredient in securing your  nancial future.
o ISAs let your investments grow faster and tax free.
o Tax free means free of income and capital gains tax (other than tax on dividends from UK shares).
o Saving regularly builds great habits and is a healthy indicator of  nancial management.
o ISA investments help your planning for mortgages, your children’s future and so on.
Research (1) tells us there is a link between being  nancial capable and well-being, something the Military Chain of Command acknowledge has an impact on operational e ciency.
We’re here to help you as Your Financial Ally
Your Financial Ally Call Us 00 800 00 01 02 03 0044 (0)345 658 1140
PMGI Limited (PMGI), trading as Force Mutual, is registered in England & Wales No.1073408. Registered o ce: Alexandra House, Queen Street, Lich eld, Sta ordshire WS13 6QS. Scottish Friendly Asset Managers Limited is registered in Scotland No. SC187215. Registered o ce: Scottish Friendly House, 16 Blythswood Square, Glasgow, G2 4HJ. Universal International Free- phone Number (UIFN) - local connection charges may apply, please check with your telephone provider. Calls to 03 numbers usually cost no more than to geographic numbers (01 or 02) and are usually included in call packages, please check with your phone company if they are included in your package. (1) Source: Financial Inclusion targets and goals : Landscape and GFI View Oct 2013, , Diener and Chan (2011) and Happy people live longer: subjective wellbeing contributes to health and longevity. Applied
Military Lives Why we o er you an ISA?
Psychology: Health and Wellbeing, and UK .GOV - CAB. FM1923 (0217)

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