Page 99 - Wish Stream Year of 2016
P. 99
Over and above the burgeoning family history and miscellaneous enquiries, Collection staff researched information for a number of higher pro le subjects. For example, I put together the course of instruction and parade speech of Gen- tleman Cadet Bruce MH Shand (RMC 1935-6), the father of HRH the Duchess of Cornwall, for
December Sovereign’s. Similarly, information was provided for the King of Jordan, and the Dukes of Luxembourg and Liechtenstein, whose families have long established links with the Academy. There was also a number of the usual ‘fast-balls’, i.e. urgent requests for con dential information on former cadets. Lastly....
In Memoriam:
Daphne Ruth Hughes (nee Aldridge) 1920 – 2016
Sadly, 2016 was the last year in the
life of our beloved friend and volun-
teer, Daphne. She had worked in the
archives for over 20 years but her
Sandhurst association started when
her husband Arthur (DFC, Legion
d’honneur, Croix de Guerre) worked
at the Staff College. They were reg-
ular worshippers at the chapel from 1960 until 1993 when he died. Daphne was born in Cal- cutta on 15 July 1920, and was educated at St Michael’s School for Girls, Darjeeling, West
Bengal. In WW2 she worked for MI5 and MI6; post-war she accom- panied Arthur to Poland where he was Military attaché. Indeed due to Arthur’s postings and her charming disposition, she befriended promi- nent people such as Lord Louis Mountbatten, Jan Smuts and Finn- ish General Ensio Siilisvuo. Daphne was an immensely kind, unassum- ing, humorous and intelligent indi- vidual. She is very much missed
but her RMAS link continues as her ashes will be interred next to Arthur’s in the cemetery. God bless you Daphne.