Page 22 - Wish Stream Year of 2016
P. 22

The full team assembled on Jebel Shams
mid. Re-entrant dodging had become our latest game. Pyramid offered splendid views across an eight hundred metre deep chasm to checkpoints Beercan and Colin. The impasse was evident and the situation provided us with an interesting dilemma of whether to continue or change plan. These watershed moments were a signi cant feature of our expedition and we often found ourselves in a tussle of emotion; adventurous spirit versus the rational decision. I’d like to think we struck a good balance.
Far more important than the physical achieve- ment we all felt, was the time we spent with our Omani friends. By the end of our expedition our troop of nine had grown to 13 as we accrued faithful companions, all of whom had families and livelihoods far more important than our wellbe- ing. Nevertheless, they went above and beyond to ensure our safety and enjoyment and we can- not thank them enough. Along the way we were introduced to our guides’ families, shared their food, were taught about their custom, their land and their lives generally. We were protected from the elements and dangers of the Jebel which included snakes, spiders and the immense heat
which peaked at forty degrees.
Our journey was formidable, beautiful and quenched our curiosity for history and adventure. It was an honestly unique experience, under- taken by a collection of eccentrics and adventur- ers, so bizarre in fact that we often felt we were on the  lm set of some comedy adventure. We have a host of people to thank, namely the Sand- hurst Trust, Major General Fattorini (late QRL) and Lieutenant Colonel Frank Gargan (PARA) for their invaluable assistance organising the trip within Oman, Mr Ian But-
tenshaw for provid-
ing insight on routes
and historical context
and OCdt Aitken for
conception and plan-
ning of the expedi-
tion. Most impor-
tantly we must thank
Colour Sergeant Smith (PARA), OCdt Al Shereiqi and Lieutenant Said for their invaluable guidance and comradeship, without which we would have inevitably  oundered in the midday Arabian sun.
Nevertheless, they went above and beyond to ensure our safety...
itken (R) and our guide and RMAS s Lt Mahmoud Said (L)
Ordnance found amongst the cave systems on Sabrina
OCdt A alumnu

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