Page 37 - Wish Stream Year of 2016
P. 37

It’s all in the name; adventure training. We were looking for an adventure and no place captured our imagination like the picturesque
fjords of Norway. Deciding where to go for our Intermediate Term expedition was not a dif cult step; the challenge was  nding an activity which did the location justice. We considered moun- taineering, rock climbing, canoeing, before set- tling down on sea kayaking. This was the best medium to explore every hidden piece of this legendary landscape whilst improving our skills on the water in a challenging environment.
The ongoing theme throughout the planning phases and the expedition itself was overcom- ing obstacles. On
many occasions, our
The group
Once we had collected our hire cars, we began the two and a half hour drive heading north to Flam, and straightaway we were in awe. Norway did not disappoint. As we winded through tunnels
The ongoing theme throughout the planning phases and the expedition itself was overcoming obstacles.
OCdt Gleizes
expedition leader,
OCdt Floyd, was told
to change her plans,
the trip may not be
happening, to alter
the costs, equipment
was not available, etc.
Every speed bump
she overcame, and
we all got to Norway;
well nearly all, as one
of our instructors missed his  ight due to a disa- greement with the luggage crew at Gatwick Airport.
OCdt Floyd kayaking
View over Undredal

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