Page 77 - Wish Stream Year of 2016
P. 77
Looking out into the desert from a sentry position on the platoon harbour location
minated in a dawn assault on a well-defended urban complex. Throughout this three day exer- cise, the cadets enjoyed tactical lift provided by a pair of Sea Kings and could call on air support from Mirage Fighter Jets.
After the eld training phase had nished, the cadets undertook a two day cultural package which involved falcon hunting, a guided trip to the Qatari capital, Doha, and a number of other visits designed to educate the cadets on the art, architecture, religion and other elements of life that have shaped the Qatari culture. The cadets departed Qatar on the morning of 16 December feeling extremely tired, but acutely aware of the value of the training they had just conducted. The cadets had been speci cally selected to take part in this exercise for the hard work and dedication they had thus far shown on the com- missioning course. They represented the Acad- emy amicably and can feel rightly proud of their achievements and conduct whilst deployed.
Conducting a con rmation exercise during a desert navigation lesson
By Appointment to H.M. The Queen (Tailors)
G.D. Golding (Tailors) Ltd St. Albans
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