Page 81 - Wish Stream Year of 2016
P. 81

13 Platoon, Borneo Company standing proudly to attention after passing the Drill Test
straints, limited space, dirt and lack of light and suddenly the morning routine was the biggest challenge of the day. Throw in a ri e to clean, which seems to have a neat trick of getting dirt in every impossible to reach place and the morn- ing became a mad panic to get anything done at all. At one point, late on the  rst night, I remem- ber getting out my sleeping bag and taking what seemed like 10 minutes to simply put my feet into the bag correctly. I wondered exactly how I was going to command men in a years’ time if
the people to the left and right of you and look for their support. The best part of being in the Army so far has been that sense of comradeship and loyalty you get from living and working with each other through the good and the bad.
Standing outside New College with a proud mum on Old College Sunday
I wondered exactly
I could not even man- age that simple task! Two very big lessons
how I was going to to learn: have a sense command men in a of urgency and keep years’ time if I could up concurrent activ-
ity. If the food is being not even manage cooked then make
that simple task!
sure you are cleaning your ri e at the same time. It might be cold,
wet and miserable, but life will only get worse if you do not get a move on!
I am glad to say that I did not transition from civil- ian to soldier alone. 27 other men and women stood by me from the start and we quickly became a family. Like a family, we obviously had our arguments and differences, especially in such stressful circumstances. However, we learnt to communicate as a group, work for each other and help each other out. Without my pla- toon behind me, I do not think I would have got through the  rst  ve weeks of training. Look to

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