Page 91 - Wish Stream Year of 2016
P. 91
2016 was another outstanding year for the Sandhurst Trust, the Royal Military Acad- emy charity.
A number of events were held for our members including a Leadership Encounter at the Honour- able Artillery Company Armoury in London with Member of Parliament and former Royal Regi- ment of Fusiliers Of cer, John Baron. Later in the year, we were delighted to host the Chief of The General Staff, General Sir Nicholas Carter, who presented to a mixed audience of serving and retired of cers as well as the Intermediate intake. The presentation ranged from the stra- tegic dimension down to some timely advice for soon-to-be-commissioned young of cers. In the summer we held our inaugural cocktail party which was attended by around 100 members who were treated to a Beating of The Retreat and musical display by the Heavy Cavalry and Cambrai Band on the magni cent setting of Old College Square.
Some 491 Of cer Cadets were given grants towards their Adventurous Training (AT) Expe- ditions and the variety of these undertakings is highlighted elsewhere in this journal. Suf ce it to say, that this is the bread-and-butter of the charity and one way in which all British Cadets at RMAS bene t from the fundraising activities of the Trust.
One area of omission is the fact that as overseas cadets do not usually partake in AT, they do not receive grants from the Trust; this was recti ed in late 2016. The 27 overseas cadets commissioning in December received the new Sandhurst Medal, provided by the charity and presented by the Commandant. Many countries have already given their of cers permission to wear the medal and these will be available to buy for overseas cadets who commissioned before December 2016.
We also sponsored a different type of medal for the best instructor at the Afghan National Army Of cer Academy (ANAOA) which has very close ties with Sandhurst. The magni cent solid silver
The Sandhurst Medal
The Sandhurst Trust – Onwards and Upwards
By Vaughan Kent-Payne
Presentation of the rst RMAS ANAOA Medal with the recipient anked by the Chief Instructor Brig Ian Rigden and the RMAS Deputy Commandant, Col Mike Waymouth
medal was presented for the rst time earlier in the year.
The Trust also ran a number of high-pro le events at RMAS including the dinner for the Thames Valley Confederation of British Industries, which included the Commandant as a guest. We also hosted the Rolls Royce 20 Ghost club. This club held an annual event at RMAS in the 50s and